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"Understood." She said with a low and steady voice and scrutinized my beautiful face in a weird way. As if she'd take revenge somehow.

"Good." I beamed and to show how satisfied I was and especially to piss her off. I disappeared after patting her head. First of all now, NIGHTCLUB BITCH! Just kidding .. there's something I more important I should do. Right, Ayame?

Author pov

After bringing back her phone from the isolation chamber, she immediately starts her own work and spends the afternoon doing her teacher's investigations which wasn't that easy but she managed to succeed thanks to Nanami's analyzing sessions.

Oddly she didn't feel the need to sleep nor fatigue anymore. The anger against her teacher made her imagine each spirit with a blindfold and white broom hair to execute it right away.

One day she scrolled through her few contacts and randomly called a number because it was the funniest game after getting drunk. It was her mother who felt a coldness in y/n's answers when she brought up Gojo's topic.

_ You broke up, right? This is why you're drinking so much.

_ Strong mother instinct!

_ Let me guess, you've behaved immaturely.

_ I slapped him till he bled hehe~

_ Even Etsuku won't do such a thing. There's nothing that could justify your rude behavior.

_ But once he smacked my butt till it was swollen! And he always gets out of control when we have sex.

_ Did you tell him you don't like it?

_ Hehe I love it actually~! But he went so far...

_ Put some boundaries, when you don't like something you should tell him immediately. So, what did Satoru-kun do to deserve that slap exactly?

_ Being a fucking ass.hole ain't enough~?

_ Stop saying vulgar words! It isn't how a lady should talk. Now, tell me everything.

_ Did the ogre confess to you once?

_ Of course, he does every night~ why are you asking? Wanna mommy's tricks?

_ Sato is a bastard mom! He confessed to me then simply denied it. Obviously being with someone who isn't sure of his feelings is wrong. Also, he only thinks about sex! And once I stopped doing it with him, he humiliated me and treated me like trash at work!

_ If you listen to what I say, he'll not only confess, he'll be like a ring around your finger.

_ Umm, without involving sex...?

_ It's harder then, but everything is possible. First step, apology-

_ Never in life I'll do that! Besides, he never ever apologized to me before!!

_ The secret is to follow your heart.

_ Ok, I'll slap him again!

_ Apologize and make him feel he's the greatest man ever, only and especially beside you. Make him terrified at the thought of your loss, like [...] Before I forget, your father agreed about your arrival to celebrate your birthday here~

_ No way!

_ Sex power.

_ Isn't he too heavy and... has a king dick?

_ Emperor's one actually.

_ There's another man who is way~ better than Sato. His coworker~ A God mom! The hotness in this world and he's very respectful to me-

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