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Her cold stare and angry aura irritated him so he let go of her face and pillowed his palm.

"Don't you dare blather stuff about love ever again." He looked up to the sky feeling a bit disconsolate. While she stared at him, a sad memory emerged. Something she tries to forget everyday, but keeps coming in her way.

"Why...? Why do I have to choose between the people I love and end up killing them? Fate? Punishment?" She asked with a shaky furious voice.

"The thought that I may lose both of you in one single day is so terrifying—asking me to end another friend's life is just... cruel." A breath relieved her to keep the talk.

"I'll protect both of you with all it takes. Is it too selfish to have you both alive? Can't I peacefully live with my lover without losing another dear friend? Answer, Sukuna." He exhaled at her teary eyes and hugged her to his chest. Her attempts to hold back her sobbs failed at the thought of Sana. Hiccups vibrated over his torso and tears fell on his skin.

"What a huge tears' stock." She unleashed a crying baby storm after that comment and talked a lot about Sana and her mother.

"And-Aki fears me, he doesn't want to see me anymore, he hates me..." He endured listening to her barely understandable sentences. Perhaps comfort her somehow.

"I'm here, by your side." His annoyed face didn't match his words, and his flat tone turned him to the worst comforter she ever met.

"Sukuna, tell me a fairytale." She sniffed and looked up as he raised a brow.

"I mean you're an old man so..." She waited a bit but he was still silent.

"Like the village where you grew up or how you turned into the king of curses." Again, she received no answer.

"Come on~" she kept jabbing her finger into his eye until he gave up.

"Once upon a time, a happy family was filling the buckets from the river, the water slowly turned red because I killed them." She wanted to cry when she realized it had already ended. Y/n wanted to forget that fairytale by bringing up another topic.
They teleported to the Shiro penthouse as she wished. The gate and also the front door were wide open for her.

"Y/n !!" Her mother only rushes when it comes to her daughter. She nearly fell but Sukuna caught her in time. The mother blush, interiorly scolding herself for acting immature.
"Thank you.." She averted her eyes, but he kept watching her face carefully.

"Sukuna, this is mom. Mom, this is Sukuna, my lover and future husband." Her Mom's shocked features were expected.

"Since when? Why didn't you call me this previous month? And you should've-" Her daughter cut her off to ask if they can take a bath first.

"I'll explain everything later mom. How are the kids?"
"They're still asleep, I'll wake them up and we'll have breakfast together." The mother led them to the guest room with a private bathroom. Before leaving them alone y/n plucked her kimono.

"How will you feel if your husband dies?" Sukuna snickered, not expecting that question. Mother looked calm and cute as she frowned.

"Probably what you'll feel if Sukuna-kun dies." Y/n felt the parting's torment, if the last hope in this life leaves her alone-
"I'm still here." He snapped after the mom left and she hugged him tight.

"Forever, Sukuna. Stay with me forever. It's an order." He picked her up till the bathroom and ripped off Geto's yukata. She unclothed him as well and both enjoyed the hot water.
The meeting with her sibling was as warm as ever. Sukuna looked behind where the adults sat around the table, his heavy aura and evil stare spread fear that no one dared to say any stupid remarks. Fortunately Masaru wasn't around, because he planned to kill him.

The Awakening {Gojo & Sukuna x Reader.}Where stories live. Discover now