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"There's always something we shouldn't know." Meimei replied with a smile.

"Really? You pointed at me, though!" He frowned. "If it's about the market massacre, Yuji told me." Yet y/n made Yuji promise not to say anything.

"Did he tell you what she did?"

"She covered up, I'm aware of that too." He shrugged.

"Ara, too bad then." She chuckled a bit and left them.

"Did Yuji also tell you what happened at the destroyed forest?" He furrowed his eyebrows, not catching what she's talking about.

"When I captured Mahito and found you playing with Sukuna."

"Ahh, that! No, he doesn't remember every time." Then she figured out that she has to zone him off so he won't remember.

"So, what now?"

"You fixed your mess by healing the people you hurt, and I still need Yuji to eat one last finger."

"You should kill me again before trying to harm Yuji." He kept the same light smile.

Y/n was storing her luggage on the bed beside the laying king.

"So, you'll leave far away for two weeks, ya say?" She gaped her eyes after a glance at him.

"And what the heck are you smiling at!?" His face turned neutral while gazing at the ceiling.


"Sukuna." Lately, he hated his name because she only used it to scold him.

"If you do nonsense again," She squeezed a cloth between her hands and averted her eyes to avoid the coldest of all his stares.

"I-I won't be able to fix it so please wait until I'm back." She said in a small voice and glanced at his face in case he's still mad, but he grinned, which made her want to pack him and avoid the mess he'll cause.

"How will we enjoy our last night?"

"It a bad omen to say last night, rather best night." She pouted, and after some moments of thinking she asked for a fight.

"If I win, you won't swap up until my return. If you win... well-"

"That's up to me to decide." He was behind already, hands on her hips.

"We'll destroy our pretty home." He teleported to an isolated place.

"Shall we?" Easily, Sukuna dodged her blows and he had a great time fighting her again. He didn't hold back, and neither did she. However, when it came to domains battles he won, everything in his zone vanished but her.

"Fuck! You just tryed to kill your queen?! What if my powers stopped working for a second? I would have been dead by now!" A nagging storm began.

"I want you to get rid of the annoying pact you've made with your energy. Otherwise neither of us will win." She cupped his cheeks and bit his nose.

"I've won!" She chuckled at his annoyed face.

"Where should I bite now?" His grin revealed his dangerous fangs.

"You've won." Then both returned home.

"Only cuddles tonight." She expected him to refuse.

"Hm.. Come then." He stretched his arm toward her and reclined on the headboard. His open kimono and expressionless face didn't set her mind at rest.

"Do I have to repeat?" That tone made her crawl on the bed to reach him and lay on his chest.

"Will you miss me?" She asked with a little voice then his hand slid down to rest on her hips.

The Awakening {Gojo & Sukuna x Reader.}Where stories live. Discover now