my new mafia life. part 2

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5:00 am.......

Nat wakes up nunew.

Nunew slowly opens his eyes and stretches.

Nunew: what time is it?

Nat: 5:00 am. Come on we have to get ready.

Nunew: for what?

Nat: training.

Nunew slowly sits up and gets dressed. Him and Nat walk to shooting training.

They enter the room. A guy hands them a gun.

Nat goes over to his shooting area and so does nunew.

All nunew can hear is guns getting shot. His hands are shaking because he never held a gun before.

He slowly lifts the gun and points it at a the shooting area.

He shoots the gun and closes his eyes tight because of the noise. He starts shaking even more. He shoots one more time before his ears start to ring from the noise and he starts to remember a memory from his childhood.

It's of his mom and his dad arguing.

His mom is saying how she gives up on his dad and that she should have never put are kid in this situation.

The memory ends and he here's Nat yelling him name.

Nat: nunew!

Nunew: huh?

Nat: come on , we have one more training.

A guy brings all of the bodyguard and nunew to a room with red laser lights moving around.

They have to get through the laser's without touching them.

After a few bodyguards it's nunew's turn.

He got through the first laser light. He moves quickly for the next one he misses the third one and fails that test. It's Nats turn now. Nat gets all of them.

After training Nat and nunew go back to their room.

Nunew lays down on the bed exhausted.

He thinks about the memory he had. He ends up falling asleep.

About an hour later he gets woken up by Nat.

Nat: new mr.zee needs us.

Nunew: why? Nunew says kinda scared.

Nat: he's having a meeting with the sin family. And we are his bodyguards so we have to go with him.

Nunew: who are they?

Nat: are you kidding? Their like the largest Mafia family.

Nat walks to put his suit in. Nunew gulps out of fear.

He gets dressed and him and Nat head to get guns and a ear piece that connects to all of the bodyguards and other bodyguards across the world.

Zee and Nat and nunew and green zee's other bodyguard all get in the car and drive away.

They pull up Infront of a large mansion. They get out of the car and walk in. They are greeted by mr.dutch the head of the sin family.

Zee and mr.dutch bow to each other. Mr.dutch brings them to a table with a about 10 seats.

Mr dutch and his men sit down and so does zee. Zee's bodyguard stand behind him a little bit back from where he is sitting.

Mr dutch: I heard you got a new bodyguard.

Zee: that right.

Mr.dutch: which one is it?

Zee points to nunew. Nunew hands start to shake from being scared.

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