my new mafia life. part 5

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Nunew wakes up and sees he's on zee's chest. He quickly moves moves but zee pulls him back into his amrs. Nunew tries wigging out but zee's grip is too strong.

After a few minutes nunew finally managed to get away from zees grip. He leaves a note for zee , he then goes back into his and nats room to get changed into his work clothes.

Zee pov.

I woke up with no nunew beside me but I found a note.

The note.

I went back to my room to get ready for training , thank you for taking care of me.😀

Zee can't help but smile at the note. He gets up and gets into a tuxedo suit. He then heads to his office and sits in his chair.

Nunew is at shooting training. He's getting better with a gun now that he has had practice. After training he starts walking to the cafeteria with Nat.

They sits down with their food. They are eating pork rice and some bean with water.

They start eating there food. Poppy and green come and sits beside nunew and Nat.

Nunew wonders what poppy's and green relationship is because he seen them kissing on the first night he was there.

He wants to ask them but doesn't at the same time. So he just decides to keep his mouth shut for now.

Poppy: nunew , are you feeling better now?

Nunew: yea I'm much better now.

Green: that's good then.

Nunew just nods his head and takes a bite of his rice.

Poppy: oh yea , I forget mr.max is coming today.

Nunew: who's mr.max?

Poppy: he's zee's step brother.

Nat: he don't really talk to no one , he usually just stay quiet and keeps his distant so you probably won't see him that much.

Green: and he is really secret'of about a lot of things.

They all finish eating. Nunew explores the house a little bit more since he hasn't seen all of it yet.

He goes into a room he hasn't seen before. It has white blank wallpaper brown wood floor. It has a table and a chair and a tall clock , it also has a window with blinds.

He looks at the clock , he then continues looking around the room.

It's starts storming really bad.


Nat is on the elevator going up to the shooting room to practice. the elevator stops on a floor to pick someone up.

A tall boy with dark hair and dark eyes , dressed in a black and white suit walks in.

It's no other than max.

Nat: hi mr.max. Nat says bowing down to max.

Max bows back to him and doesn't say anything.

As they are going up the power gets knocked out and the elevator stops. The storms knocked the power out in the whole house.


As nunew went closer to the clock the power goes out. He gets scared because he's terrified of the dark. He starts panicking. He starts remembering something.

The memory was of him in a basement hiding from hearing shooting noises up stairs. He hears the shooting noises as if they were actually there.


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