my new mafia life. part 11

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It was the next day and nunew was getting ready to leave and follow dutch and fang to the old building that their meeting Dave at.

He didn't tell poppy or Nat what was happening. He didn't want to put them in anymore danger and he didn't know if his dad/Dave was good or bad yet.

He took his gun and got ready to leave. As he was walking zee yelled his name from afar.

Zee: new! Come to my office for a second.

Nunew sighed and walked into his office.

Zee: we need to talk about the other day/night. Let's just forget about what happened ok.

When zee said that nunews heart broke into a millions pieces. He acted fine with it and smile and nods holding back tears.

Nunew: krub , let's just forget about it.

Zee didn't want to forget about it but he wanted to protect nunew from all of his enemy's. If they found out what zee loves the most they would go after nunew.

Nunew: I should go now. Nunew said quickly leaving.

He quickly left and left the house. He got into a cab and told them to follow fang and dutch car.

He held back his tears because he didn't want to cry over zee no more than he already has. He just focused on his plan to find out about his parents.

A little bit later he arrived at the old building. He had the cab driver drop him off a few blocks away so dutch and fang wouldn't see him.

He hid his gun in his pocket. He slowly walked around the building and climbed through a window. He hid somewhere where dutch and fang couldn't see him.

He could see and hear them. Dave walked up to them.

Nunew pov.

It was still weird seeing my dad breathing and talking. If he was alive this hole time , why didn't he tell me. It just makes me angrier thinking about it.

Dave: how's nunew? Does he know about any of this yet?

Fang: don't worry , your nephew doesn't know anything yet. But he's nibby. Him and his friends keep following us around.

Nunew mind.

Nephew? What does he mean by that.

Fang: Dave or should I say Ryan?

Ryan: just call me Ryan for now , when we're in public call me Dave.

Fang: got it , Ryan. Anyways , I know who called your number.

Ryan: who?

Fang: your nibby nephew , nunew must have snuck a phone out of zee's office and called your number. I'm not sure how he even got your number but he must have been nibbing around my room and found it.

Ryan: he's just like his annoying father. Always nibbing around people's business.

Fang: he's also been awfully close with zee. I've been keeping an eye on those two and it looks like there's something going on between them.

Ryan: well if nunew gets in the way , kill him if you have to. I couldn't care a less. He's not my kid.

Fang: trust me , I won't hesitate to shoot him if I have to.

Authors pov.

Nunew has no idea his dad had a brother at all. But the most confusing part is , they are twins. He had no idea why he didn't get told any of this.

But he still wants to know about the affair his mom had with fang. Fang , dutch , and Ryan leaves the building and drives away after talking.

Nunew got out of his hiding place and fell onto his knees trying to process all of this.

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