my new mafia life. part 10

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Nunew wakes up to knocking on the door. He slowly gets up and rubs his eyes. He opens the door and See's poppy.

Nunew: poppy , what's wrong? Nunew says in a sleepy voice.

Poppy: I need to talk to you and Nat.

Nunew: I'll go get him real quick.

Nunew goes and wakes Nat up.

Nat: why are you waking me up?

Nunew: poppy needs to talk to us.

Nat nods and they walk to the door where poppy is waiting.

Poppy takes them to the training room since there's no one in there this early.

Nat: what did you want to talk to us about?

Poppy: about yesterday when I broke into the sin house.

Nunew: oh yea you never told us if you found anything. So did you?

Poppy: yes , I found a bunch of files. And I found something else.

Nunew: what is it that you found?


Poppy opened the door and walked down the stair. It was a basement. He got all the way to the bottom and froze shock , he didn't know if he was dreaming or if it was real. He saw green chained up alive. He was barely conscious. He ran over to him and held his hand.

Poppy: green , green stay awake ok I'm going to get you out of here I promise.

Poppy looks for something to break the chains off. He finds a hammer. He breaks the chains with the hammer. He then puts greens arm around his shoulder and walks up the stairs with him.

He leaves the house with green. He puts green into the passenger seat if the car and he gets into the driving seat.

He drives away with green.

End of flashback.

Nat: greens alive!!

Poppy: don't scream it. And yes greens alive.

Nunew: wait then where is he?

Poppy: I had to put him some where safe for now , everyone thinks he's dead , and if fang finds out he might try and kill him again.

Nat: where did you put him?

Poppy: I took care of his wounds and bought a hotel room for him.

Nunew: ok that's good.

Poppy: I'm going back to check on him tomorrow.

Nat: I'll come with you.

Poppy: alright , nunew are you going with us tomorrow?

Nunew: no , I'll follow fang and dutch around.

Nat: are you still meeting that guy at 6:00 pm?

Nunew: yes.

Nat: I don't think it's a good idea to go alone.

Nunew: I'll be fine don't worry.

Nat: bring the ear piece so I can contact you.

Nunew: I will , and don't worry I'll be fine.

Nat nods his head and so does poppy. Nunew and Nat head back to their rooms and get dressed.

Nunew mind.

Can it really be him. I doubt it , plus people can't come back to life. And there's over a dozen Dave's in this world.

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