my new mafia life. part 4

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It's about 6:30am.

Zee gave nunew today off to rest. Nunew is currently sleeping.

Nat walks in the room to check on nunew. He sees he's sleeping so he just leaves a note saying he's gonna be at training so he'll be gone for a while.

About and hour after Nat leaves zee comes in nunew room with a cold wash rag and some medicine and come soup.

He sets it down quietly , he tries to be quiet as possible so he doesn't wake him up. He puts the cold rag on top of nunew head. he sits the soup down with the medicine and leaves it there for when he wakes up. He then leaves and goes back to his office.

A little later nunew wakes up. He sees the soup and the medicine. He takes the medicine and eats his soup.

He then lays back down. He ends up sleeping through the whole day and is woken up by Nat.

Nat: nunew , nunew it's time for training.

Nunew slowly opens his eyes. He goes to sit up but it still hurts him. Nat helps him get up.

Nat: does it still hurt?

Nunew: yea , it hurts worse than before.

Nat: I'm just gonna tell mr.zee you need an extra day to rest.

When Nat goes to walk out nunew grabs his arm and stops him.

Nunew: don't it's fine , I can handle it.

Nat: are you sure?

Nunew: mhm , oh bye the way thanks for the soup and medicine yesterday.

Nat: what medicine and soup?

Nunew: your not the one who brought it?

Nat: no , maybe it was poppy or someone.

Nunew sits there a little confused but just thinks Nat is right.

He gets up and gets dressed. He makes it to the shooting range area.

Zee is in the room this time watching them shoot.

Nunew goes over to his shooting area. He holds his side in pain. He picks up the gun with his other hand. He lifts his hands but it hurts lifting it up because of his side.

Zee looks over and notices. He didn't keep his eye off of him.

Nunew starts feeling dizzy. Everything starts going blurry.

Then all he sees is black and faints.

Zee sees him and rushes over to him. Before nunew can hit his head zee catches him in him arms on the floor.

Nunew head is on zee's lap and the rest of his body is on the floor.

Zee: new!! New wake up! Zee says worried.

He picks nunew up bridle style and rushes him to his room.(zee's bedroom btw)

He lays nunew on the bed. He pulls his shirt up to check his wound out.

It's red and bleeding and it is effected. He brings a first aid kit.

He takes his old bandage rap and throws it away. He then cleans his wound out and raps it up.

He goes and gets antibiotics.

Nunew starts to wake up. Zee hurries and rushes over to him. He helps him sit up against the bed board.

Nunew looks around and realizes he's not in his room.

Nunew: what happened? And where am I?

Zee: you fainted because your wound is infected , and your in my room.

Zee: here take this. Zee says handing nunew antibiotics and some water.

Nunew takes the antibiotics and swallowed it with the water.

Zee: i brought you some rice curry , you should eat something.

Nunew takes the rice curry and takes a bite.

Nunew: did you cook it your self?

Zee: yea , why is it not good?

Nunew: no , it's actually really good.

Zee gives nunew a little smile.

Nunew: hmm I never seen you smile before.

Zee: I haven't seen you smile since you got here either.

Nunew: I don't really have anything to smile about.

Zee: fair enough. Zee says grabbing his coat and getting ready to leave.

Nunew: where are you going?

Zee: I have to take care of some business , stay here and rest.

Zee leaves and nunew lays down and gets lost in his thoughts. He ends up falling asleep.

He wakes up about 10:39 pm.

He gets woken up by a door slamming shut. He looks to the door way and sees zee walk in. He slowly sits up.

Zee: oh , sorry I didn't mean to wake u up.

Nunew: it's fine.

Zee takes his shirts off and nunew quickly looks away.

Zee then takes his pants off and puts gray sweatpants on.

He gets in the other side of the bed with nunew.

Nunew: should I go back to my room now?

Zee: no I want you to stay here , just in case you get another fever or your wound gets infected again.

Nunew nods his head and lays down. zee lays on down the opposite way.

The next morning........

Nunew wakes up and zee is gone. There is a note and some medicine.

The note.....

Take the medicine , I had to leave I'll be back in a little bit , if you get hungry there's some ramen noodles you can have.🍜🥢🧋

Nunew reads the note and takes the medicine. he slowly sits up and walks over to we're the ramen noodles are. 🍜 He then puts hot water in them and then the seasoning.

He picks up the bowl and sits back on the bed and starts eating them.

About 20 minutes later he finishes the noodles. He then gets up to use the bathroom. After his finishes using the bathroom he gets bored and looks around the room.

He sees a picture of zee and his parents. He picks the picture up and looks at it.

He hears a door opening and puts the picture back down.

He then hurries and sits back down in the bed. Zee walks in the bedroom.

Zee: did you take the medicine I left on the night stand?

Nunew: mhm.

Zee: tomorrow you can go back to training , if your wound starts hurting I wanna know.

Nunew just shakes his head yes and lays his head against the bed board.

Nunew mind.

Why does he care if I'm hurt or not , Why didn't he just let me die.

It's about 10:50 pm.

Zee hops in bed and sees nunew sleeping. He quietly gets in. He's facing nunew. Zee falls asleep beside nunew like that.

Nunew keeps moving in his sleep. Zee raps his arms around nunew so he can't move. Nunew head ends up on zee's chest.

They stay like that untill morning.

TO NE CONTINUED............

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