my new mafia life. part 3

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Nunew dream...........

6 year old nunew and his parents are at his old house celebrating Christmas together.

Nunew dad: let's get a photo together for the memory.

Nunew mom: that sounds fun.

Nunew: yay!! Nunew says exited and running to his parents and hugging them.

It then switches to a bad dream where him and his parents are in the car crash.

The car is flipped on its side. Nunew's parents are unconscious. Nunew is awake screaming for his parents. He's crying and scared.

He then gets picked up by a police men. He looks back and sees his parents covered in blood and starts crying.

End of dream........

Nunew is on a bed bleeding out with doctor's rushing him into a surgery room.

Doctor: nunew can you hear me? I need you to stay awake for me.

All he hears is beeping noise and sees a bunch of doctors. He is barely conscious.

Everything starts to go black and the last thing he hears is a doctor saying to stay awake.

5 hours later..........

Nunew begins to wake up. He opens his eyes and tries to sit up but falls back down wincing in pain from were he got shot. He has an IV in his arm.

Zee's bodyguards are outside of the room making sure he didn't try and escape.

A nurse comes in and rushes over to him.

Nurse kate: nunew hi , I'm nurse kate.

Nunew: what happened?

Nurse kat: you were shot and your in a hospital. Your gonna be fine don't worry.

Kate helps nunew sit up.

Kate: I'll be right back , I'm gonna go get a thermometer to check your temperature and some medicine for the pain.

Nunew just nods his head holding the area where he got shot.

Nat comes rushing in after hearing nunew was awake.

Nat: nunew!! Oh my God I'm so happy your ok!!!

Nat hugs nunew and nunew winces in pain.

Nunew: oww, oww.

Nat: sorry , are you ok?

Nunew: I'm fine , it just hurts that's all.

Nat: I'll go get the doctor.

Nunew: don't , she already came back , she's bringing me some pain medicine.

Nat: ahh ok.

Nat: I'm so sorry this happened to you , they shot at me and you jumped in front of me. I should have pushed you out of the way.

Nunew: it's not your fault Nat , I'm glad it was me and not you.

Nat: I know but sti-nat gets cut of by nunew.

Nunew: it's not your fault end of discussion.

Nat: ok fine.

Nat: you know I've never seen mr.zee this worried about anyone before , he's been in a bad mood all day and pacing back and forth in his office.

Nunew just looks down at his hands a little confused.

Nunew mind.

Why would he even be worried about me. I wish I would have just died , I wouldn't have to worry about getting enough stupid money. And I might even get to see my parents.

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