my new mafia life. part 8

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6:46 am.

Nunew woke up for training and seen Nat was already gone. He got dreslsed and started walking down to training.

He walked past zee's office and saw the door open. He gets curious. He walk into it. He looks to make sure no one is watching first.

He walks in and goes over to a shelf. He seen the necklace that he had a memory of on zee's book shelf. He touches the necklace to try to remember it. All he remembers is that his dad gave it to his mom.

He looks at the picture of zee and his parents. He picks it up and has a memory.

The memory is zee's dad with nunews dad. They are at nunew old house when he was younger.

Zee's dad was talking to nunews dad about something. It soon turned into an argument.

The memory stopped and nunew heard someone coming. He hurried and out the picture down. He went to leave but then zee came in.

Zee: what are you doing in here?

Nunew: i-i I was just-nunew gets cut of.

Zee: just what? Snooping? Zee said coming closer.

Nunew is backed up against the wall and zee is so close to him he can feel zee hot breath.

Nunew: n-o I was just.....looking at the necklace.

Zee: why that necklace? Zee said whispering in nunew ear.

Nunew: a-at the museum , that's the necklace that I had a memory of.

Zee then backed up and nunew let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

Zee walked over to the necklace and brought it over to nunew.

Zee: what was the memory of?

Nunew: my dad , he was giving it to my mom. Nunew remembered his mom's smile in the memory and got a little bit teary.

Nunew looked down at his hands. Zee set the necklace down. Zee lifted nunews head up and whipped the tear that fell from his eye.

Nunew then whipped away the rest of the tears with his sleeve.

Nunew: sorry , I'm gonna go to training now.

Nunew went to leave but he tripped and went to fall but zee caught him in his arms. They look into each other's eyes not breaking contact.

After a few minutes zee then help nunew up all the way.

Nunew:t-thank you. Nunew Said before quickly leaving.

Zee watches him leave out the door and can't stop thinking about his beautiful eye and his pink beautiful lips.


Nunew is quickly walking down the hall. He can't stop thinking about what just happened. The smell of zee , his pink puffy lips and what they taste like.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he reaches the training room. He can't constraint the whole time.

Nat notices and when they go to the cafeteria he decides to ask him what's wrong.

They sit down at their table with their food🥡🥠🍙🍱🍚🍣🍤🍛.

Nat: nunew , is something wrong?

Nunew: it's nothing , just a little tired today that's all. Nunew says giving Nat a small smile.

Nat just nods but doesn't believe him. They start eating and talk a little. They see poppy sitting down at a table alone. They decide to go over and talk to him.

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