my new mafia life. part 16

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2:29 am.

Nat wakes up and has to pee. He quietly shuts the bedroom door and goes into the bathroom. While he's washing his hands he hears talking coming from the Ronald's bedroom.

He goes toward the door and closely listens.

Ronald: don't worry mr.fang , I got them , they are all in a bedroom sleeping. ( Ronald's on the phone).

Nat: shit. Nat says quietly. Nat tip toes back into the bedroom and wakes everyone up.

Nat: wake ,up wake up. Nat says shaking everyone awake.

Green: why are you waking us up. Green says throwing a pillow at Nat in a sleep voice.

Nat: oww , what the hell! We have to get out of here now. I just heard Ronald talking to fang on the phone , he's one of fangs guys.

Max: shit , we never should have trusted him.

Poppy: we don't even no how to get out of the woods and we have to find mr.Zee and nunew.

Nat: I can sneak into the front living room and get the map and we can leave and look for mr.zee and nunew. And then we can get the hell out of this place.

Poppy: don't get caught.

Nat: don't worry I won't.

Nat quietly tip toes into front living room and gets the map. He meets the others at the door and they hurry and leave.

About 5 minutes later Ronald goes in and checks on them , he see's that there gone.

Ronald: SHIT!!

They all start running away from the cabin.

Zee and nunew........

Nunew wakes up to a growling noise. He shakes zee awake.

Zee: what's wrong? Zee says I'm a sleepy voice.

Nunew: I hear growling.

Zee: where?

Nunew: it's sounds like it's really close.


Zee: we should go somewhere else.

Zee and nunew get off from the ground. Before they could walk away they see a big black wolf standing behind them.

Zee: what ever you do don't move.

Nunew: what are we supposed to do then. Just stand here and let it eat us.

Zee: it won't eat us , it will kill us first and then eat us.

Nunew: that's not helping.

The other........

Nat: I think we should go this way. Nat says pointing to a path.

Poppy: that way looks dangerous , let's go this way.

Green: I agree with poppy.

Nat: your only agreeing because he's your boyfriend.

Max: what?

Nat: oops.

Green: yea a big oops.

Poppy hits Nat in the arm.

Nat: ow! I'm sorry jeez , I didn't mean to blurt it out.

Poppy: it's a little to late to say sorry now.

Green: next time there's Secret you will not know.

Nat: oh yea , we'll see about th-nat gets cut off.

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