my new mafia life. part 15

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The door opens and someone walks in. Nunew looks up surprised. He is too shocked to say anything.

Nunew: m-mom.

Anne: hi nunew.

Nunew: w-what the hell is going on.

Fang: I guess I left out one little detail.

Nunew: what do you mean? Nunew says with tears in his eyes.

Fang: you see , your dad's death wasn't an accident. Your mom wanted me instead of your dad so , I messed with the breaks.

I helped her fake her death.

Nunew: mom please tell me this isn't true.

Anne: I'm sorry nunew , but it's true , and I need you get accept that.


Anne slapped nunew in the face.


Anne: your dad deserved what he got!

Nunew: why! What did he ever do to you?!!

Anne: before me and fang had an affair , your dad cheated on me.

Nunew: your no better than dad!

Anne: I shouldn't have even let you survive that car crash!

A tear falls down from nunews eye. He can't believe what his own mother just said to him.

Fang: now it's your turn to die. Fang said pointing the gun at zee's head.


fang goes to pull the trigger but hears a bunch of gun shots.

Max comes in with a bunch of bodyguards. They all start shooting at each other.

Max sneaks around and hurries and unties Nat. Nat and max unties the others.

Nunew runs to zee and hugs him. Zee hugs him back.

Nunew just sobs into his arms.

Poppy: sorry to interrupt your little moment but we gotta get out of here. Let's go. Hurry.

Zee punched one of fangs guys and took his gun and shot him.

Zee took nunews hand and ran with him. Max and Nat ran together and green and poppy ran together.

Max shot one of fangs guys in the head. Zee and max was shooting at the guys while running.

As they got outside dutch was there.

Dutch: wait.

Zee went to shoot him when nunew stopped him.

Nunew stepped closer to dutch.

Nunew: so your really my step brother.

Dutch: yea , fang didn't tell me until like a month ago. And even though I'm on fangs side , it doesn't mean I want you dead.

Dutch hands them keys.

Dutch: there's a car parked a few blocks away , take it and get out of here.

Nunew: thank you.

They run toward the car. Nunew looks back one more time at dutch before getting in the car. They drive away. Nunew is looking out the window. a tear falls from his eye.

Max is driving and Nat is in the passenger seat and poppy and green is in the middle seat and nunew and zee is in the back. ( There in a van).

Zee can tell nunew is crying without even looking at him. Zee reaches over to nunews hand and holds it. Nunew looks at zee. Zee takes nunews head and lays it on his shoulder. Nunew feels safe when he's with zee or close to him.

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