my new mafia life. part 21

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Nunew didn't know what to do. He knows what his mom did but she's still his mom and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Nunew pov.

I know it's wrong but I can't let anything happen to her , I won't take the necklace but I'll get her something to get money out of. I wanna tell zee but I'm afraid he won't let me help her because of all the bad things she's done. I hate lying to him.

Authors pov.

Nunew has to meet his mom tomorrow night. He's going to sell his watch to get money out of it for her. He hasn't told anyone about this. He's already at the pond shop.

Worker: ok so I can give you 120 bucks out of this.

Nunew pov.

That isn't going to be enough to to get her out of the country but it's something.

Nunew: I'll take it , thank you.

Authors pov.

The guy takes the watch and gives nunew the money. nunew leaves and goes back to the house.

He walked into his favorite room and sit down beside the clock. He got lost in his thoughts and before he knew it , it was 9:40 pm.

He got up and left the room and walked into zee's office to see what he was doing. He walks in and sees zee's head down on the table sleeping.

He walks over and gently taps him.

Zee: what time is it? Zee says yawning.

Nunew: 9:44 pm. Come back to the bedroom so you can rest.

Zee nods and gets up. They walk into the bedroom and zee lays down onto the bed. As soon as he hits the pillows he's sleeping. Nunew smiles at him and kisses his forehead.

Nunew: I'm sorry I have to lie to you. Nunew says whispering to zee who is still sleeping.

Nunew then lays down and falls asleep.

The next morning.....

Nunew wakes up and sees zee still asleep. He kisses him and then gets up and gets dressed. He then leaves the room.

8:30 am....

Zee woke up and didn't see nunew beside him. He then got up and showered and then got dressed. He went into his office and sit down in his chair. He called nunew to see where he was.

Zee: nu where are you?

Nunew: I'm with Nat and green.

Zee: ah ok , can you meet me at the bedroom at 9:30 pm.

Nunew: why?

Zee: just come , you'll see when you get here.

Nunew: alright , see you then.

Zee: I love you.

Nunew: I love you too.

Zee smiles and then hangs up. Zee is taking nunew out to dinner. He wants to surprise him.

Nunew feels so guilty for lying to zee. He's hiding the money in his room. He put it under his mattress just untill he goes and meets his mom.

It's now about 7:20 pm. He has to meet her at 8:00 pm. He is getting the money out from his mattress. Nat walks in and sees him getting the money out.

Nat: what are you doing?

Nunew: nothing , just fixing my bed that's all.

Nunew quickly puts the money in his pocket. Nat notices but doesn't say anything.

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