my new mafia life. part 12

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Nunew and Nat was packing a few things for their little sleeper with green at the hotel.

Nunew pov.

I'm so glad we're going to stay with green. Hopefully it will get my minds off of things. Me and Nat are packing a few things. Zee leaves around 5:30 pm. It's 3:00 pm right now.

Authors pov.

Nunew and Nat leaves the room and meets up with poppy and waits for zee to leave.

They go to the lounge and watch some TV. It soon turns 5:30 pm. They all get their things and get ready to leave. They quickly leave the house and start driving to the hotel.

They arrive at the hotel and gets into the elevator and head up to greens room. They walk in and see green sitting on the bed.

Nat: we're here! It's time for are boys night!

Green: I thought we was calling it a sleepover.

Nat: I'm changing it to boy night. Nat says exited.

Poppy walks up to green and pecks his lips.

Nat: if you two are going to do that then please get a separate room. They all laugh and smile.

Green: this is my room , I can kiss my boyfriend when ever I want to. Green says kissing poppy again.

Nat: ok ok enough , what scary movie should we watch first?

Poppy: how about , Annabelle.

Nat: yes! I'm so in! Nat says exited.

Green: nunew , how about you?

Nunew: Annabelle it is. Nunew hates scary movie but he didn't wanna ruin the fun so he just agreed.

They all gather around on the bed and shut the lights off. They have a big bucket of popcorn and a hug container of water.

They are covered up in white sheets and eating the popcorn.

A scary part comes on and the popcorn goes flying up into the air.

Nat/green/poppy/nunew: AHHHHH!!

they all get scared and scream.

Poppy: why would she go beside the well!!?

Green: people are so dum in horror movies!

Nat: that girls a goners.

Nunew: she's doomed for sure.

Nat: RUN GIRL RUN!!!! Nat says throwing a piece of popcorn at the TV.

The movie goes on a commercial.

Poppy: ahh really a commercial.

Nat: I wanted to know if she died or not.

Nunew: I'm going to get some chips out of the vending machine.

Nat: hurry back , you don't wanna miss the movie.

Nunew: yep , wouldn't wanna miss it. Nunew says under his breath.

Nunew leaves the bedroom and starts walking down the hall. As he's getting ready to turn around the corner he see's Ryan. He hurries and hides so ryan doesn't see him.

Ryan is getting chips out of the vending machine.

Nunew pov.

Why the hell is he here. God dammit.

Authors pov.

Nat: nunew what are you doing?

Nunew gets startled and jumps. He hurries and covers nats mouth and moves him so Ryan doesn't see them. Nat is confused of why nunew did that.

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