my new mafia life. part 20

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Nunew is at the building holding zee's bloody body.

Nunew: zee! Zee don't leave me please! Nunew says crying.

Fang takes a gun and shoots zee in the head. Nunew screams and cries.

Fang: your next.

Fang pointed the gun at nunews head and shot him.

2:30 am....

Nunew quickly woke up gasping for air. He was relieved to see zee alright. He got up and kisses zee on the forehead.

He walks out into to the hall to take a walk.

The other...

Nat is sleeping on the chair. Two of his legs are on the arm rest. One arm is hanging down from the chair.

Poppy is on the chair next to Nat. He is in the same position except the other way. Max is resting his head back on the chair and sleeping.

Green is hanging upside down from the chair. Their all sleeping.

Nat goes to turn and falls in the floor.

Nat: oww!

Poppy: be quiet Nat. Poppy says in a sleepy voice.

Nat glares at him. Nat has to pee and starts walking to the bathroom.


Nunew is at the vending machine buying chips. He picks his chips up and goes to leave. He sees a shadow coming around the corner.

He holds his chips up ready to throw them at the shadow. Nat then comes around the corner and nunew throws the bag of chips at him.

Nat: what the hell!

Nunew: sorry , I didn't no it was you.

Nat: what are you doing buying chips at 2 am anyways?

Nunew: I woke up and was hungry.

Nat: well thanks for the free chips. Nat says picking them up.

Nunew: hey paws off of them.

Nat throws them back at nunew. Nunew catches them.

*Someone screaming*

Nat and nunew both look at each other scared.

Nat: what was that?

Nunew: do you think.....this hospital is....haunted.

Nat: I don't know , come pee with me.

Nunew: no.

Nat: please I'm scared.

Nunew: fine , hurry up.

Nat and nunew quickly walk to the bathroom scared.

In the bathroom......

Nunew: will you hurry up.

Nat: I'm trying to concentrate but your breathing to loud.

Nunew: what do you want me to do stop breathing.

Nat: that could work.

Nunew sighs and leans back against the sink.

Nat flushes the toilet and walks out of the bathroom stall. He washes his hands.

Nunew: well it's about time.

Nat glares at him and they walk out of the bathroom.

They are walking through the hall when a wheel chair comes wheeling out of nowhere.

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