my new mafia life. part 18 🔞

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Nunew woke up with a note beside him.

The note.

I'll be back later , I had to take care of some work stuff. I put your phone on the night stand for you , I want you to have it back. Call me if any emergencies. I love you.🧸

Nunew smiles at the note and puts it on the night stand. Nunew then picks his phone up. A bunch of notifications start coming through his phone.

He laughs and smiles at the lock screen. Zee put his picture as the lock screen. Nunew then gets up and puts some clothes on. He puts his phone in his pocket. He then walks to the cafeteria and sits down with Nat , poppy , and green.

Nat: where was you last night?

Nunew: i-th-none of your business.

Nat: come on just say it , you was with zee. Nat says zee's name flirty.

Nunew: so what if I was.

Poppy: there's no need to be embarrassed about it. Poppy says laughing.

Nat: serious question though.

Nunew: what?

Nat: what is your first time? Nat says laughing. Nunew throws a fork at him. Nat still laughs.

Nat: what I'm just asking.

Green: I'm taking that as a yes then.

Nunew: oh just shut the hell up and eat your stupid rice.

Poppy: so Nat , when are you and mr.max gonna be a thing?

Nat: what! It's none of your business!

Green: I thought you didn't like him.

Poppy: i-i don't , I just meant stay out of my business. Nats cheeks are bright red.

Nunew: you sure about that? You look like a freaking tomatoe right now.

Nat covers his cheeks with his hands. Max comes up behind Nat and puts his arms on nats chair.

Max: have any of you seen zee?

Nunew/poppy/green: ask Nat!

Nat makes wide eyes at them. He then nervously looks back and smiles at max.

Nat: uhh , hehe he's in his office.

Max: krub , thank you. ( Krub means yes).

Max walks away dropping his phone on the floor. Nat quickly gets up and picks it up. He runs to max and trips. Max hurries and catches him in his arms.

They are stuck looking into each other's eyes.

Nunew snaps a picture of them.

Green: why don't they just kiss already.

Poppy: I know right. They've been staring into each other's eyes for a whole 5 minutes like just kiss already.

Nunew: there's definitely something going on with them.

They finally break eye contact. Max quickly lifts Nat up out of his arms.

Nat: y-you dropped your phone.

Max: t-thank you. Max says taking the phone and quickly walking away shy.

Poppy , nunew and green then all start busting out laughing.

Nat just glares at them. Nat walks away clearly shy.

Poppy: we need to get them 2 alone , and I think I have an idea.

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