my new mafia life. part 17 🔞

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They landed back in Thailand , Bangkok. Zee called one of the bodyguards to come pick them up. They are waiting at the airport to come and get picked up.

Nunew is sitting in a chair beside zee. Nat , poppy and green are getting chips and soda out of the vending machine. Max is on the phone with someone.

Zee: are you ok nu?

Nunew: mhm , just tired.

Zee: we'll be back at the house soon and then you can get some rest.

Nunew smiles and lays his head on zee's shoulder. Zee smiles and strokes nunews hair.

Nat: look at them , they already can't be separated. Nat says turning to poppy and green who are kissing each other.

Nat: seriously , what am I air. Nat says walking away.

Nat is walking when he accidentally runs into max. Max quickly grans nats arms before he could fall.

Nat: s-sorry mr.max , I didnt mean to.

Max: it's alright , are you ok?

Nat: krub , I'm fine , are you ok? ( Krub means yes).

Max: I'm alright.

Nat and max stands their awkwardly not knowing what to do next.

Green and poppy are watching them.

Green: this is just sad to watch.

Poppy: we should help them.

Green: I don't know , I kinda wanna see how this plays out.

Nat: I'm gonna um , go see what green and poppy are talking about.

Nat quickly walks over to poppy and green.

Poppy: and I thought I was bad at flirting. Poppy says laughing.

Nat: shut it.

Green: Nat , you need to just say how you feel.

Nat: I don't feel anything for him. He's just mr.max , now but out already.

About 10 minutes later the bodyguard pulls up with zee's black limbo. Zee and the others get inside of the car and drive off.

Nunew is sitting beside zee , poppy and green are by each other , Nat is at the end of green ans max is upfront.

Green is eating a bag of chips. Nat takes a chip and goes to eat it.

Green takes it and eats it.

Nat: what the hell.

Green: that was my chip.

Nat: I was gonna eat that.

Green: well you should have got some at the vending machine.

Green goes to eat another chip but Nat takes his hand and crumbles it making crumbs go everywhere.

Green: you mother fucker.

Nat: next time don't eat my chip.

Green: it was my chip first , you chip theif.

Nat: ooo I'm so scared.

Green: you just wait untill your sleeping.

Nat: what's that supposed to mean?

Green: nothing , just keep one eye opens when you sleep.

Nat: are you threatening me?

Green: nope , just saying.

Nat: you bastard.

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