my new mafia life. part 13

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The door starts opening. Nat and poppy hides inside the bathroom. Green hides behind the curtains and nunew hides underneath the bed.

*Noises of the door knob opening.

The door opens and Ryan walks in with dutch.

Ryan: has fang got to Korea yet?

Dutch: yes he's there now , zee doesn't know he's there yet.

Ryan: ok good , this plan should work then , after tomorrow , zee won't be here to get in are way.

Nat accidentally knocks over the little trash can in the bathroom.

* Bang* noise of the trash can falling over.

Ryan: what was that?!

Dutch: it sounded like it came from the bathroom.

Ryan goes to open the bathroom door but he gets a call.

*Ring! Ring!

The call.....

Fang: are you with dutch yet?

Ryan: yes , we were just talking over the plan.

Fang: ok good , if anyone gets in the way shoot them.

Ryan: don't worry I will.

Ryan: come on let's go , we have to meet up with one of the clients.

Dutch: what did my dad say?

Ryan: nothing , he just wanted to know if you were with me yet.

Ryan and dutch walk out if the room and leave the hotel.

All 4 if them get out of their hiding spot.

Nunew: we have to get to zee before they do!

Nat: how? We have no way there.

Poppy: actually we might.

Nat: how?

Poppy: there's a helicopter back at the house , mr.zee brought it for emergencies. Just in case he had to go somewhere far.

Nat: great let's go then.

Nunew: what about green?

Poppy: he's coming with us , he should be fine as long as no one sees him.

Green: are you sure?

Poppy: I'm 100% , I'm not leaving you behind.

Nat: well let's go then!

They all hurry and leave and go back to the house. They make it to the roof where the helicopter is 🚁.

Nat: do you even know how to fly this thing?

Poppy: not exactly but , I can try.

Nat: what! Are you serious!

Nunew: who cares , we have to try ok zee is in trouble!

Nunew gets into the helicopter and buckles up.

Nat: jeez we're going to die.

They all get inside the plane. Poppy gets into the driving seat.

Poppy: ok I can do this.

Nat: are you telling us that or yourself!?

Poppy: maybe both.

Nat: omg. Were gonna die , we're gonna die , we're gonna die.

Poppy: shut up , we're not going to die.

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