my new mafia life. part 19

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It has been about 2 weeks now and they haven't found fang and nunews mom yet. Nunew has been having nightmares every night.

Some of the bodyguards are guarding the outside in case fang comes back. Nat and nunew are decorating their room with Halloween decorations.

🫁🫀🪚☠️🦴🩸Side note: it's October 6th.

Nat: hand me them ghost lights. Nat says talking to nunew.

Nunew: one sec. Nunew sets a fake pumpkin down on his bed and hands Nat the ghost lights.

Nat: thanks.

Nunew then picks the pumpkin back up and is looking around to decide where to put it.

Nat: just sit on the night stand.

Nunew: alright , plus it lights up anyways , it can be like a little night light.

Nunew sets the pumpkin on his light stand and smiles at it.

Nunew: Nat I would be careful up there. ( Nat is standing on a 4 step ladder putting the lights up).

Nat: don't worry I will.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Nunew: I'll get it.

Nat: I wasn't gonna get it anyways.

Nunew glares at him before opening the door.

He opens the door and is greeted by max. max has 3 boxes in his arms.

Nunew: oh hi mr.max.

Max: hi , um zee said you need these. Their some kind of decorations.

Nunew: oh yea , I asked him for some more Halloween decorations. You can just sit them over there. Nunew says pointing by his bed.

Max nods and brings them over by his bed. He sits them on the floor by nunews bed.

Max: so , how's the decorating going?

Nunew: good , we're almost done.

Nat couldn't reach a part of the wall for the light and has to get on his tippy toes. He then started loosing his balance.

He then fell backwards. Max quickly ran over and caught him in his arms. They was now making eye contact.

Nunew: * clears throat*.

Nat and max snap out of it. Max quickly puts Nat down.

Max: are you ok?

Nat: krub , I'm ok. Nat says nervously. ( Krub means yes).

Max: umm , I'll be uhh going now.

Max leaves their room.

Nunew: your face looks like a cherry. Nunew says laughing.

Nat: just help me put these lights up.

Nunew: alright fine.

Nunew and Nat decorate their room a little bit more. After about 30 more minutes they finish decorating.

Nunew: finally done. Nunew says sighing in relief and flopping on the bed backwards.

Nat flops on the bed also.

Nat: wanna watch a scary movie tonight?

Nunew: sure , I'll invite poppy and green.

Nunew gets up and goes to leave.

Nat: and where are you going?

Nunew: nowhere in particular.

Nat: mhm , going to see your boyfriend. ( Nat says boyfriend in a flirty way ).

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