my new mafia life. part 7

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Zee has been up all night trying to find nunew. He kept looking at the camera for clue or anything.

Zee fell asleep at his desk. He woke up at 8:31. he got up and splashed water in his face. He got dressed and called all of the bodyguards to start searching.

One of the bodyguards knocked on his office door.

Zee: come in.

Green , Nat , and poppy walk in.

Zee: what is it? Did you find him yet? Zee says getting up quick.

Nat: no , but umm there was a note Infront if the front door.

Zee takes the note and reads.

The note.

Just in case you miss your little bodyguard hears a little piece of him.

Zee saw there was blood on the paper. It was nunew fingerprint.

Zee: poppy , can you track down where this note came from?

Poppy: yes , I'm gonna need a little bit but I can do it.

Zee: good , let me know when you get the location.

Poppy takes the note and goes to the electronic room.

Nat and poppy go to shooting training. Zee is pacing back and forth thinking. He can't stop thinking about that tattoo.

About 30 minutes later poppy walks in zee's office and shows him a location on his tablet.

Poppy: this is the location that the paper came from.

Zee: tell everyone to get ready.

Poppy: yes sir. Poppy says Bowing.

All of the bodyguards get there guns ready and put on there suits. Zee gets his gun ready and heads to the car.

All of the bodyguards get in cars and follow zee's car from behind.

Poppy , green and Nat are riding in zee's car.

They arrive at a old garage/junkyard.

Zee gets out and starts walking to the door. They all have there guns up ready to shoot

Zee turns the nob and they all walk in. When they walk in a bunch of bullets start shooting at them. They shoot back and hit a few guys.

Zee See's nunew tied up and handcuffed. He shoots the guys that's blocking his way to nunew. He then runs up to nunew.


8:30 am......

Nunew wakes up to a door opening. the boss walks in and he starts to get scared. he sees him holding a gun in his hands.

The boss: ohh I see you awake already. The boss says walking over to nunew.

Nunew: please just kill me already. Nunew says in a desperate tone.

The boss: don't worry you'll bed dead soon enough.

The door knob begins turning and the boss calls all of his men to get the guns ready.

The door opens and they begin shooting , zee and the others shoot back.

Nunew sees zee running over. Zee tried to get the handcuffs off but didn't have a key.

Zee: crap!! I need a key!!

One of them goes to shoot poppy but green jumps in front of him getting shot 2 times.

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