I'm right here

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At the end of the day, Nami stood by herself by the front gate. She couldn't bring herself to step out of it.

Her hand hovered over the call button on her sisters contact. She sighed, shutting her phone off and shoving it in her pocket.

Her eyes filled with frustrated tears, and She buried her face in her hands.

Suddenly, a hand dropped onto her shoulder.. She jumped, spinning around and throwing a punch.

Her eyes widened as she saw the familiar face in front of her, but it was too late. His look of concern switched to amusement as he caught her punch. She froze.

'I-I'm so sorry, I thought you were-' she started to explain.

'Hey, it's alright.' He cut her off, not letting go of her hand. She felt her face start to heat up. Luffy frowned.

'Are you ok? Your face is all red.' He asked, releasing her hand to feel her forehead.

She gaped at him. He sure was dense.

'I'm fine.' She said, diverting her gaze. She knew he was about to leave her behind.

'You don't like the idea of being alone, do you?' He asked gently. Her downcast gaze shot up.

'How did you...'

'I know the feeling.' He offered her a knowing smile. 'You know, your place is real close to mine. I'll walk you home if you like.'

She nodded, her eyes filling with tears again. My god, she hated being this fragile. All her problems were starting to catch up with her.

'Would you really do that?' She asked him. She couldn't help it. The tears spilt down her face.

She went to wipe them away but he beat her to it. Her eyes widened as his warm hand brushed against her cheek. She shuddered.

'Let's go.' He said, pulling away. She followed close behind him.

About 1/4 of the way home, a bin fell over to their right. Nami yelped at the loud noise and jumped into the confused luffy's arms.

'It's just a cat, Nami.' Luffy said gently, smiling. She relaxed and climbed down.

'I'm sorry.'

He patted her head and continued. As she followed behind him, it hit her. A wave of anxiety so intense it rocked her off her feet.

On no. She thought. Not now, please.

Her knees buckled and she collapsed. Luffy spun around, fast as lighting, and caught her before she hit the ground.

'Nami?' He asked, concerned. She buried her face in his chest, struggling to breathe. It was no good. She was hyperventilating.

To her surprise, luffy didn't react. He simply slid down a wall and held her in his lap. He slowly traced circles on her back, breathing deeply.

Immediately, she began to calm down. She relaxed into him, copying his breathing.

'There you go.' he whispered softly. 'I've got you.'

Although she was fine, she didn't even try to stop her tears. She let it all out, all the pain and stress and fear she was feeling. And he allowed it.

He said nothing, but did so much just by being there.

'You wanna talk about anything?' Luffy asked when she eventually stopped crying.

She took a deep breath, looking up into his ... gorgeous ... eyes.

She snapped out of her trance, looking for any sign of annoyance in his face. There was none. Only understanding and care.

So she told him every thing. And he listened.

'I'm really sorry Nami.' He said when she was done.  'truly I am. But don't worry about crocodile. I won't let him touch you. And every Thing else? I know they seem massive and significant right now, but they will get better. I can speak from experience. I also don't sleep a lot.' He admitted.

Suddenly, Nami felt tired. This was strange. Of course, she was exhausted all the time, but this was different.

And sure enough, she was asleep in minutes.

Luffy smiled, relieved that she was getting some rest. She needed it. He scooped her up and her head fell gently onto his chest.
He felt his cheeks redden, but continued.

The brunette found his way to Nami's by memory and struggled to do so. When he eventually arrived at Nami's house, he found that nobody was home.

The front door was locked. This level of problem solving was beyond luffy who was, let's just say, a bit dense.

Unsure of what else to do, and unwilling to leave Nami by herself, he slid down the door frame and sat Nami in his lap.

He pulled of the jacket she had only just returned to him and wrapped it around her shoulders, unknowingly pulling her closer.

Soon enough, he too was fast asleep.

This feels like a good spot to end it so imma do that, sorry again for the short chapter.

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