here for you

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The silence if the car trip was broken by bell mères 5 o'clock alarm. Nobody reached over and switched it off.

They pulled into the drive where bell mère gathered up her and luffys bags before holding open the door for open for the pair.

As soon as they enterd the house, luffys knees gave out and he fell into nami's arms. She caught him and held him jn a hug while bell mere got to work Making something to eat.

Nojiko came down stairs in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes.

'Mum?' She croaked. 'The hell Is going on here?' Bell mère just shoved luffys bag intk her arms.

'I'll explain later. Take this into namis room.'

Nojiko was lost, but went along with her mother's instructions.

'Nami, do you mind if luffy stays with you?' Bell mère asked.

'No. I'll take him up now.'


Nami turned to luffy. 'Hey, we've just got to get up the stairs, do you think you could help me out?'

He nodded Into her. Together, they managed to make it to namis room. He dropped o to her bed. She sat down beside him, unplugging her alarm in the process. School was out if the question.

'I'm sure that neither if us are getting any sleep, but try and get some rest, ok?' She watched as he pulled himself together enough to lift his head, take off his hat, shoes and shirt before dropping into her bed and rolling away, tucking himself into the corner and curling up.

Nami changed into an oversized t-shirt and crawled in beside him, switching off the light. She gently pulled the covers up over his exposed back and wrapped her arms around him.

She felt him tense, although he shaking never stoppe. After a second, he rolled over and buried his face in her chest, folding himself into her. Nami pressed her face into his hair and gently traced circles on her back.

His head rested on her arm, and with the other, she buried her fingers in his hair, holding him close.

Neither of them moved. They stayed like that for hours. Eventually, luffys sobbing turned into the occasional whimper and his aggressive shaking settled intk a light shiver.

After a while her bladder got needy and she sighed, finally being tk untangle herself. Luffy lifted his torso and let her pull her arm out from under him, he looked up at her worried.

'Bathroom.' She explained. He relaxed, curlingback up in the absence of her body heat. She stepped out if the door and closed it silently.

She stood there for a moment, her head restinng against the wooden doorframe. She didn't know what to do. She knew luffy needed someone to support him. But she didn't know how. She took a deep breath and stood back up.

When she came out of the bathroom, Nami became aware of her hunger. She made herself aoem cereal before pouring two cups of tea. When she pushed the door open, she found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.

'You alright?' She asked. No response. 'Feel free to use the bathroom it's just across the hall. There is a towel in there for you.

He took a deep breath and nodded, standing. She of caught a glimpse of his face as he pulled his hat down over it, but it was enough to break her heart.

While he was in he shower, she tidied the room as best he could. She opened the window a d curtain and bought in some extra pillows. The tea she had made was going cold, so she drunk it, before returning downstairs. She paused as she passed the bathroom. He was crying again.

She continued on, tears filling her eyes. She prepared a platter of food and carried it back upstairs. The shower switched off as she places the platter down on her desk.

She pulled out her computer and got to work emailing all of her teachers and explaining (to some extent) her absence. She listed it as a family issu, making sure to let Robin and vivi know too.

As she switched to asking for homework notes, luffy finally nocked on the door. She trooted over and opened it, freezing as she did.

He stood in the doorway, a towel around his waste. His hair was damp and his skin was glistening.

She quickly stepped aside to let him in and hid her red face. She slipped out and shut the door, sliding down the doorframe and placing her hands on her scolding hot cheeks.

Her heart was beating a million miles an hour and her breathing was sharp and uneven. She was, to put it simply, flustered.

Groaning, she scolded herself for getting this worked up over a hurting boy who very clearly was not in the mood.

Composing herself, she slipped back into the room, shooting a glance at him. He had pit on track pants, but was still shirtless.

He had a pillow clutched to his chest and his head was buried in it. His entire body shook profoundly.

She glanced from him to his computer and back again before coming up with a compromise. She bought the device over to her bed and slipped in under the covers. She hadn't bothered to get changed.

She patted her lap and luffy obediently scooted down, curling up and resting his head on her upper thigh.

She tapped away at her computer with one hand while using the other to massage his head.

After about half an hour, when off and informed her that Robin was trying to call.

'Do you mind if I answer?' She asked. Luffy just shrugged.

Robin's face appeared on her screen.

'Hey.' Nami greeted her friend casually. Robin eyed her suspiciously.

'You dont look sick.' She commented, her frown turning into a smirk. 'You wanna tell me why your actually away?'

Nami internally cursed her friends keen eye.

'I'm just taking a break.' She said. It wasn't a complete lie after all.

'Right.' Robin persisted. 'And might I ask why?'

'I'm just tired is all.' Nami said, plastering a fake smile onto her face.

Robin was scanning what she could see of the room. Her mind was ticking away, searching for clues.

Her first was the limited view she had. Funny really. Her first clue was the lack of clues. Considering the angle, she suspected that she Nami had her laptop sitting on her lap, which meant she was probably in bed.

The limited lighting added to her theory. She could tell from the distance vetween Nami and the camera that the computer was sitting around get knees.

Considering this, Robin would expect a view of namis torso. Instead, she could only see her head and a large amount of her wall.

Robin smirked, theories building in her head. Nami noticed her expression and looked scared. This only proved to Robin that she had something to hide.

'R-robin? Could you send me your notes so I can keep up?' Nami asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

'Sure thing darling.' Robin smiled while dialing her volume up to max.

In the moment of silence that followed, Robin heard it. A second set of breathing. Nami was with someone and she was trying to hide it.

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