welcome to my world

950 19 17

Luffy and nami made the entire trip in silence, still hand in hand.

The streets Nami grew up on seemed oddly unfamiliar to her. Her grip on luffys hand tightened.

As they walked, the quality of the houses started to degrade. Nami had never really wondered about luffys living conditions. Now that she thought about it, his family must have struggled. Well, him and ace that is.

Now the thought had invaded her mind, however, it pestered her. She was surprised she hadn't thought of it sooner.

Sure enough, as the streets around her changed into one's she had never walked, the condition of the housing grew worse and worse.

Soon after, luffy paused. He looked uneasy, as if he didn't really want to continue.

'You ok?' Nami asked him, keeping near. He drew a shaky breath and nodded.

Rather than continuing forwards as she expected, luffy took a sharp left and led her Into an alley way. He was on either side of her were bare, but at the far end of the alley, bordered by concrete steps, was an old wooden door.

'Welcom to my humble abode.' Luffy muttered sarcastically. Nami did not fail no notice how much he was shaking. Still, she decided to trust him and keep her mouth closed.

At last, they stood, shoulder to shoulder, infront of the door. Nami opened her mouth to speak, but luffy cut her off as he raised a shaky hand to the door and knocked three times in quick sucession.

For a while, nothing happened. Nami was still confused about the details of his housing. She knew he shared a house with others but... she didn't know what to expect.

Eventually, the silence from behind the door was broken by a loud crash.

'THIS TABLE IS SUUUPPPPEEEEERRRRR ANNOYING!' someone on the other side of the door bellowed. Nami blinked a few times before looking up to see lufy standing perfectly still, the ghost of a smile adorning his exhausted features.

Finally, there was the sound of a lock clicking open and the door swung inwards. Nami did a double take as she took in the hulking figure in the doorway.

His hair, a shade of flurecent blue, was styled in a rather odd ducktail. His eyes were covered with a pair of dark sunglasses, despite the fact hat he had been inside moments before. Even stranger, perhaps was his triple chin. She had never seen anything like it.

But at the end of the day, what really took the cake was the fact that he was standing there shamelessly in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and a pair of blue speedo looking things.

Luffy, on the other hand, was completely unfazed.

'Hey, Franky.' He said, dipping his head slightly in acknowledgment. The blue haired man blinked a few times, as if coming to realisation that it was indeed luffy that stood before him, before enveloping the smaller boy in a bear hug.

Luffy dropped namis hand to save her from being pulled towards the strange man, who now had tears streaming down his face.

'Luffy man.' The weirdo sobbed. 'Good to see you. Im so sorry about your brother man... I really am.' Nami watched luffy struggle to escape from the unnaturally huge guy before he broke down. Noticing his discomfort, she immediately stepped forwards, drawing Frankys attention to her and allowing luffy to retreat to her side.

He immediatly took her hand back into his own.

'Franky, this is Nami. She's the friend I've been staying with.' Franky, having finished wiping away his tears, stuck his hand out to her.

'Hey. I'm he suuupppereeerrrr cyborg, Franky.'

Nami blinked a few times. Did he just say cyborg? Before her mind could process the introduction, the large hand of the man gripped her free one, giving it a hearyt shake. His hands sure felt like they could be made of metal.

A voice coming from the kitchen cut off their introductions.

'Well Franky? Who is it?' A rather feminine sounding male voice echoed from somewhere behind them.

On hearing the voice, luffy seemed to perk up.

'Oh! It's luffy!' Franky said before raising his voice and bellowing


Nami watched luffy tense at the words. And instinctive stepped closer, unconsciously putting her body between him and the door. This did seem to have a positive effect on he shaking boy, who seemed to calm down.

Nami understood it now. What he had been dreading. He didn't want to be overwhelmed by all these people who were probably his closest friends, despite having only known each other for less than a week.

Franky stepped aside as a blur of colour rushed through the door. It looked like a spinning top. As the blur began to slow, Nami could see that it was actually a man, spinning on his tippy toes. At least he thought it was a man. He wore heavy makeup on his face and wore an odd looking tutu.

'Bon chan!' Luffy exclaimed happily stepping out from behind Nami to embrace the boy.

'Give me a break, mugi chan!' The queer sobbed. 'You had us worried sick! None of us knew where you were!'

After the two had finally sperated, Nami followed the three men into the lounge area where 5 or 6 others now stood waiting.

Well. This is bound to be interesting.

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