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'Can I kiss you?'

The question hovered between them, caught in the silence. With every second it went unanswered, namis panic and regret grew. When she was on the brink of pulling away and taking it back, she got her answer.

Luffys lips brushed hers, his breath rugged. Namis own breathing hitched as her eyes widened in shock. Slowly, she came to her senses and leaned into him, connecting their lips fully. Both of them enjoyed a blissful moment before Nami pulled away, worried she was mistakenly hurting the boy.

'Lu...' she mumbled. He locked eyes with her and she could see straight away that he had shared the thing she felt when they kissed.

All her hesitancy immediatly diminished. He must have known it as well because he leased back in, more decisive this time, and pressed his lips firmly against namis. She let out a small sound as she let her mouth open and allowed his tongue to slide in. She let her eyelids drop as the butterflies began their dance in her stomach.

Without meaning to, she let out another small moan. Luffy shuddered as the vibration traveled down his tongue. Finally, the parted, both extremely flushed and panting, a small string of saliva connecting their lips.

Seeing luffy in this state, half lidded and shirtless before her, turned Nami beet red, and as the reality of what she has done hit her, she buried her face in his chest.

One of his hands slid gently up her back and into her hair where it stopped. And then, silently, luffy began to cry.


The next morning, chopper woke up and imediatly left out of bed to check on luffy and make him eat something.  Luffy and nami were still in bed, though Nami looked like she could be sleeping. He face was hidden in lufys chest. Chopper didn't really know what was going on with the two of them, but he thought it was cute. Luffy noticed him get up and nodded good morning to him as he left the room.

As she heard the door open, Nami lifted her head.

'Morning?' She mumbled. Luffy nodded and she dragged herself up, immediately mourning the loss of his warmth. She grabbed the hairbrush from where it lay abandon on the bed, and suddenly, a wave of memory hit her. She could feel luffy watching her closely, as if waiting for her reaction.

Slowly, her face turned violently red and she refused to look at him. Instead she fled to the bathroom and locked herself in. Luffy just followed her out and wandered down to the lounge where he took a seat on the couch.

Chopper bought him up a plate of various foods that looked a little too healthy for luffys liking. Still, with not much choice in the matter, he ate the whole thing. Eventually Nami came down from the bathroom,  although she was still slightly red and refused to make eye contact with luffy.

She went straight into the kitchen and made herself some cereal before awkwardly taking a seat on the arm of the couch on the opposite side of luffy. Chopper noticed her distance and frowned.

'Nami, what luffy has isn't contagious. ' He said, a tad confused. Nami went an even deeper shade if red.

'I know that chopper.' She said, and since she didn't really want to give and explanation, she got up and sat closer to luffy on the couch, quickly eating her cereal. Chopper came came sat one the floor infront of her.

When the were all finished eating, there was a nock on the front door. Assuming it's nojiko, Nami stood and opened the door.


Everything happened so quickly.

Nami froze, the gap in her speech enough tfor luffy to pick up on her distress. She screamed and tried to slam the door, but a large hand grabbed her hair and dragged her outside.

Luffy was on his feet in an instant, but he had stood too fast in his unhealthy state and it left him dizzy and about to tip over. Chopper dashed past him and threw the front door open enough for luffy to see the scene before him.

The group from he alley stood in the garden, dragging a kicking and screaming Nami down the path.

Crocodiles recently broken arm was in a cast,  but je had stuck a nice in it to make it into a weapon. Shabby, but terrifying nonetheless. His case had been white once, but the fringlt half and splatters up the side were stained red with blood.

Chopper called out to Nami, gaining the attention of the attackers. They threw Nami on the ground and stopped on her before turning to face chopper. Nami looked up, her face a mix of pain and fear.

'Chopper!' She called, trying desperately to crawl towards her friend. One half asked kick to her ribs was enough to make sure she stayed down.

Crocodiel took a step forwards, chucking.

'Another defensive boyfriend, ay shut. I guess you weren't good enough for the Last one.'

Chopper, frail as he was, laughed himself at the attacker, who caught his head easily and held it while the tiny boys frail punches connected with nothing but air.

Without so much as a glance at the flailing boy, crocodile turned to Nami.

'Its a shame really. I could have been protective as well, and it would have amounted amounted much more than this brat. You missed an opportunity.'

Nami pushed herself onto her elbows and glared dangers at arlong. Arlong and kuro stepped forwards and took her arms, hoisting her up so her feet dangled uselessly bellow her.

She struggled desperately against their vice like grips but to no avail. Eventually, she went back to glaring daggers at crocodile.

The huge man tossed chopper into the crowd where he was immediatly laid into by the blood thirsty group. As soon as he was riddled of the distraction, crocodile moved so fast nami had no time to react. In an instant, his make shift blade was pressed against her neck, their faces inches apart. A thin trickle of blood warmed her skin.
Then everybody froze.

'Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her.'

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