the broken and the reformed

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'Anyway luffy, how's your family? Do you have any siblings or is it just you and your brother?' Nami tried to signal to her mother to stop talking, but she didn't catch on. 

Luffy paled slightly, but grinned. 'Well, I don't have any parents, so yeah it's just me and my brother.'

Nami watched him, amazed that he could hide his emotions so well, even though her mother was poking in fresh wounds.

'I'm sorry to hear that.' Bell mère said, her grin faltering. Luffy's smile won out.

'Don't worry about it.' He said. At that moment, his stomach emitted a ferocious gurgle. He rubbed the back of his head, guilty.

'My, my,' bell mère chuckled. 'You two wait here and I'll get you something to eat.

As soon as she left, luffy sighed and leaned into Nami. His fake smile dropped away, leaving a look of pur exhaustion. His real emotion, she realised.

'I'm sorry about that luffy, she can be really nosy.' She said, watching him carefully.

'No, it's not her fault.' He said. Finally, he yawned, turning to her with one of his genuine smiles. The ones capable of reducing any for (or guy) to a stuttering mess. Especially Nami.

'Thanks for today Nami.' He said. 'That was the best sleep I've had in months.'

'But we only slept for 6 hours... oh my God, we slept for 6 hours!' Nami gasped. This may bit seem like a lot, but to two insomniacs it was gold.

'Yeah. And thanks for moving me. It's no easy task. All I do is eat and train, so I imagine I'm pretty heavy.' He chuckled. Nami laughed along with him. She loved the sound.

Bell mère returned with a platter of sandwiches. They were gone in seconds. Blinking a few times, she picked the tray back up and returned tk the kitchen without a word.

'Heya Nami, if you need a break, don't feel guilty taking one. Trust me sometimes a day off cab really help.' He said, out if the blue. She stared at him, processing what he had said.

'... yeah. Actually, thanks, I'll think on that.'

'And if you decide to go, let me know and I'll pick you up.'

'Are you sure?' She asked' flabbergasted. He grinned at her.

'Of course. We are friends, right?' He asked innocently.

'Y-yeah.' She replied, dropping her gaze as she blushed.

His care free gaze was contagious, and she was no exception. Eventually  she realised she was beeamong too.

A new friend, huh?

Bell mère returned once more and they ate in silence before luffy announced that he had to go.

Nami followed them out and climbed into the back. Luffy took the passenger seat and they were off.

The car trip was silent, but not quite awkward. Rather, it was sad.

nami studied luffy from the back seat and bell mère studied Nami through the rear view mirror. Luffy, however, stared put of the window, his head resting against the glass, completely oblivious.

Eventually they reached the hospital and said their goodbyes.

'I might see you in the morning.' Luffy beamed, and nami nodded.the  they were gone. Luffy took a deep breath before entering the hospital. The receptionist glanced up and smiled at the young boy.

'Hello again luffy.' She said. 'A friend swung by and dropped off some things for you. He said his name was Franky.'
With this she produced a bag, chucking it to luffy.

'Thanks nit.' Luffy said, despite the receptionists name tag reading 'nat'. He took his things and had a quick shower before returning his usual spot in the corner.

The nurses coming in and out of the room always paused to say hello to the boy. From what luffy could tell, ace was still in a coma. The cause, is appeared, was still unknown.

'A mystery Illness.' Luffy had declared the last time one of the nurses had tried to explain it to him. It wasn't far from the truth.

The nurses had run countless tests and had quite an extensive list of what ace didn't have, but that only narrowed it down a tiny bit. It wasn't enough to help the sickened boy.

Luffy say there for a very long time. He sat there from 7pm, when he had arrived, to 3:30 am the next day. 6 1/2 hours he sat there, uncomplaining. And then Gwen and Becky burst in through the swinging doors.

'Luffy, come quick. Something happened, we think he might wake up -'

Luffy shot to his feet, following them back into his brother's room.

Ace lay on the bed, stirring slightly, an oxygen mask pressed to his face by elastic straps. Luffy dropped down beside him and took ace's cold hand in his own.

Ace's eyes shot open.

Tears of relief streamed down luffy's face.

'Jeeze ace, you had me scared for a second there.' Luffy said, half laughing and half crying with relief. It was short lived.

'Luffy, shut up and listen.' Ace rasped, pulling of his mask. He was struggling.

Luffy crawled onto the bed and pulled his brother into a hug. Hes brother leaned his head into his shoulder.

'Please tell sabe and white beard and shanks and Makino, bon and Franky and whoever the he'll is looking after gramps. Don and gin and Kokoro and chimney. They'll them all, thanks for being there.'

Both brothers were crying now, and the nurses standing along the far wall couldn't help but join in. From what they could see of the reunion, it was heart warming. It never occurred occurred any of then that those may ne aces final words. His breathing and heart rhythm were stabilizing. He would be fine.

'Ace...' luffy gasped. He alone knew something was wrong.

'And you luffy.' His brother added.

'Thank you. For loving me.'


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