back to life

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I know yall probably don't care, but of any of you wanna know a bit about me I've just published an about the author while I was procrastinating from writing this 👌

Nami was stunned. She had to be hearing things. He said... he said he loved her. There was no way... was she still asleep? God was this all a dream? No.. no he had said it. And he had meant it to. Which meant, if this were real, she could do to him what she'd wanted to do since that night...

She leaned close, with obvious intentions.

But luffy beat her to it.

Their lips met. At first, they just brushed, each of them enjoying the feeling of the others breath on their face. The cloce proximity was driving the two of them into a craze they couldn't get out of.

Luffy slid his hand up namis back and buried it in her hair, pulling her face closer so their kiss was deepened. Overcome by a desire they didn't know was there, the two moved in sync. Luffy licked at namis bottom lip while Nami closed her eyes and buried her hands in his hair. Without warning, luffy flipped them so Nami was pinned beneath him, his tongue slipping into her mouth.

Soon enough, they broke apart, flustered and panting. Luffys hands were in either side of namis head, pinning her beneath him while her arms were on his back.

Neither of them did anything but stare at the other for a solid minute, their breathing slowly returning as luffys face went back to normal and namis turned cherry red.

Before either of them could say or so anything more, however, nojiko called them down for breckfast.

After hesitating for a second, luffy stood up and offered Nami his hand, pulling her to his feet. She kept her gaze downcast, avoiding his eyes as much as possible.

The air between them was so thick nami was convinced you could cut through it with a butter knife.

Eventually she looked up at him, meeting the gaze she hadn't realised he had on her. Just his face, with his expression so delicate and gentle, was enought to fource her gaze back down.

He caught her chin and lifted her eyes back to his face, which now bore his usual shit eating grin.

'I get it now.' He announced, chuckling a bit. Namis embarrasment faded a little  as ot was replaced by curiosity.

'You're not sick.' He continued his grin morphing into a smirk. 'You're just embarrassed!' Now he was just teasing.

Nami couldn't help but allow the small smile to slip her onto her face as she half heartedly smacked his head.

'Am not!' She lied. 'now let's go, my sister is waiting for us.'

Before he could protest, she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room by fource. 

Eventually, the pair arrived in the kitchen where they sat at the bar. Luffy, bless his soul, was perfectly relaxed. Nami, on the other hand, felt like the butterflies in her chest were carrying tiny bombs and that God damned kiss had lit the fuse.

' - Nami?' Nojiko asked.

'What?' Nami replied, snapping back into reality.

'Get your head out of your ass girl, eat your God dammed food.' She ordered. Nami did as she was told.

They enjoyed their meal in peaceful silence unil luffy announced, completely out of the blue,

'Let's go to school tomorrow Nami!'

All three ladies in the room paused what they were doing and looked up.

'School?' Nami asked, unsure if he was joking.

'Yeah! Its about time I quit my moping and get my ass out of your guys house. I can't continue to intrude on you forever.'

Bell mère chuckled from ok the couch.

'For what it's worth, you're more than welcome to stay here as long as ou like luffy. I always wanted a son.'

Nami shot her a look.

'What's with the sudden change of heart?' She asked him, completely ignoring her mother.

'I already told you. I am healing now. It's time I went out.'

There was a moment of silence which was broken by nojiko clearing up the plates.

'I guess... we could go.' She said. He grinned.

'Great. We better enjoy the weekend then!'

Nami was shocked by his sudden change of heart. She thought back to what he had told her earlier. Could that have been the thing that was weighing him down? The thing that made him cling to his brother's death? Then maybe... maybe he truly was healing.

Maybe he had come back to life.

Nami sighed and stood up, disappearing to go and shower. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew she was going tk miss having luffy all to herself. He had only actually spent two full days at school, so he was still the knew kid.

This thought worried nami as she slipped into the scolding water. There would still be so much attention on him. And after it being just those Teo all this time, it was sure to overwhelm him.

Instead, the toyed with other possibilities. By the Time she stepped out of the shower, she had already decided the best course of action would be tk come to school during lunch. 5th period was one of the classes they shared, so at least that way she would be able to keep an eye on him.

Satisfied with this option, she returned to her room to change.

Luffy was back in the windowsill, enjoying the breeze with the ghost of a smile on his face.

'Don't look.' Nami warned as she began to change.

He nodded and continued tk stare at the  clouds in the sky.

'Say lu, how would you feel about going to school at lunch tomorrow?' She asked. 'You're still the knew kid and others might flock you otherwise.'

He thought on this and nodded, his smile growing.

'That sounds good.'

She pulled her shirt over her head and walked up beside him.

'Say Nami...' He asked, finally looking down at her. She hummed in responce.
'What are we to each other?'

He question immideatly returned all the colour to her cheeks, but she didn't hesitate to answer it.

'Well, I'd say we're a couple right? Im yours and your mine.'

Luffy nodded. 'I like that.' He announced, spinning so he was facing Nami and catching her by surprise.

'Let's continue like this. I'll look after you. And I know you'll take care of me.'

The end

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