patched up

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Nami called him over so he sat on he edge of the bed.

'Luffy, before we do anything, would you please have something to eat?' She pleaded. He looked at the food disdainfully.

'I'm not hungry.'


He met her gaze and saw her concern. It made his protest seem childish.

'Alright.' He muttered, grabbing the tes that was now luke warm and sipping on it slowly.

Nami sighed and took he box of Robin, sitting on the bed. She took his injured hand, picking up on how hard it shook and how hard he was trying to suppress it. The wound itself didn't look too good either.

'Lu, how hard did you hit that rock?' She asked, slightly skeptical.

'Pretty hard.' He muttered, his gaze down cast. Nami gently ran a hand over his bloodied knuckles, pausing as he winced, feeling for any obvious breakages. When she found none, she turned to Robin.

'Could you pass the alcohol whipes?' She asked, handing luffy some painkillers. He downed them great fully, along with the rest of his tea.

Nami got work, scrubbing away the blood and revealing raw flesh. Occasionally, luffy would let out a fait gasp or shudder, but other than that the only sign he let on was the way his left hand clung to the mattress like an anchor.

Finally, Nami got rid of the bloodied material and asked Robin for the iodine, which she supplied. She dressed and bandaged his hand, before rocking back on her heels to admire her handy work.

'Not too shabby.' She approved, standing up. 'That, however, might be more of an issue.' She pointed to his head.

Gently, she tucked his still-damp ashen hair out of his face. Without meaning to, she lost herself in his gaze. The moment seemed to pass slowly, and eventually, Robin snapped her put of her daze.

'Nami?' She asked  'are you alright?'

Nami jumped a bit and luffy immediately raised a hand to her shoulder to steady her.

'Y-yeah, sorry.' She mumbled, dragging her gaze up to luffys head. Thank God Robin had been there. She was almost certain she would have drowned in his eyes.

She carefully got to work cleaning the injury, though she didn't even bother trying to wrap it. Finally, she finished it had taken her about half an hour.

Nojiko was staying at her boyfriends that evening, and bell mère was working night with the police force.  This meant the three of them had the house to themselves.

After thanking Nami, Luffy crawled back into his corner and wrapped himself in blankets. Robin pulled out her school books.

'I've got my notes here if you want them Nami.' She said, sitting down on the end of the bed. Nami grabbed her computer before scooting in beside luffy, who immediately crawled into her lap.

Nami stroked his hair absent mindedly as she and Robin exchanged notes. After a while, Robin packed her things and announced that she had to go. Nami bade her fairwell, not bothering bothering get up.

Finally, it was down to the two of them, only this time with a slightly more battered luffy.

Nami passed the time doi school work on her computer. Before long however, exhaustion began to take over. Realisig she was to get amy more done, she closed her computer, sighing.

She rested a hand on luffys shoulder. He was still shaking, although this time it was more noticeable. He wasn't hiding it.

Suddenly, she felt the urge to crawl in beside him. She recalled he comfort and saftey of his arms and found herself craving it.

As if reading her mind, he scooted farther back, giving her room, and patted the spot he had been.

An unfamiliar feelimg flowed through her as she crawled in beside him. It grew more and more as he pulled her to his vhest with one arm, using the other to pull the blanket up around them before resting it on her back.

Her breath on his neck was quick and uneven. She felt her cheeks fill with heat and didbt know what to do. Luffy rolled slightly so her head rested on his shoulder, his strog arms wrapped tightly around her.

Her leg was resting on his, his warmpth like a blanket of its own. Still, the feeling grew.

'Luffy...' she whispered, trailing off as he rubbed gentle circles on the small of her back.

'Yeah?' He replied, his voice low. It sent shivers down her spine.

She was silent for a while, unsure of how to continue. '.. it dosent matter.' She said, melting into him fully. His boyish scent was so intriguing tk her, as was the feel of his bare chest.

'You sure?'


He sighed, pressing his face into her hair. Nami felt the rise and fall deepen and slow, until she was sure he was asleep. Only then did she pull back to look at his face.

The pain was mostly gone, though it left faibt traces if she looked hard enough. He looked almost at peace. Her gaze slowly dropped to his lips, which she found studying much more intenty than she realised.

As the blush crept back into her cheeks, she dropped her head back onto his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.  The clock read 9:58pm.

At 6am, bell mère pulled into the drive.

Work had been more or less uneventfull, just the usual drunk shinanigans of night shift.

She dropped her keys on the benh and grabbed a banana before heading upstairs to get changed out of her uniform.

Now cloathed in her uniform, bell mère slunk into the hall to see what was going on with their little guest.

She nocked gently, not loud enough to wake them if they were asleep, and, after recieving no answer, quietly opened he door and stuck her head in.

She had to keep from squeeling at the scene before her. Her daughters head was visable above the covers, pressed into the gap above the ashen haired boys collar bone.

He had his mouh and nose pressed to the top of her head, and their limns, beneath the blanket, were woven together like flax. Or, she realised with a smile, like two parts of a puzzle.

She was quite surprised by how unsurprised she was to find them both asleep. Pulling out her phone, she snapped a quick picture before carefully closing the door.

'My god, their too cute.' She muttered, as she slipt back into her room. She had onny known the boy for a day or so and he was already begining to feel like family.

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