special update - christmas one shot

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Hopefully if yall read the last note you'll know what this is about. Considder this a filler episode, it has no relevance to the story. Just a warning, but it may be quite long. Also, I'm from New Zealand so we don't get snow at Christmas. This is based more on what we do over here.

It was a lovely morning that greeted the group of friends. Children laughed and Christmas Carroll's echoed down the streets.

From their respective places on the floor, the straw hats stirred from their peaceful slumber.

'Ya - hooooo~!' Thier hyperactive leader yelled, springing to his feet. He skipped around the floor, shaking his sleepy friend's awake and greeting them with his usual shit eating grin.

Usopp and chopper were quick to join him, and soon enough everyone but Nami were on their feet. Nami had been awake for a while now, listening to the others stirr while pretending she was still asleep.

She knew none of her friends would dare wake her up, as they all knew the consequences, and she was more than happy to enjoy her remaining few minutes of peace and quiet.

Sanji quickly disappeared into the kitchen with Franky and robij to prepare breckfast. Chopper and usoppnwere waiting for luffy to come and play with them, but luffy, it seemed, had other ideas.

He tipped over to his 'sleepig' lover qnd gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Nami's eyes shot open in surprise, her face quickly turning a deep shade of crimson. She grabbed luffy by the arm and pulled him down.

Chopper and usopp began sweating bullets, fearing for luffys life, but Nami only grabbed his shirt and buried her face in his chest, utterly embarrassed.

The pair blinked a few times, shocked, before letting out q sigh of relief. Eventually, Nami fled to the bathroom to do her hair and luffy, usopp and chopper all joined hands and begun dancing around like 4 year Olds chanting;

'Its Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas!'

When everyone hadbhad their turn in the bathroom to get changed into their Christmas attire, they took their places at the table. Luffy sat at the head with Nami to his left and zoro to his right. Chopper sat between Nami and usopp with Robin in between zoro and sanji. Franky sat opposite luffy.

The captain grinned, raising his glass and gaining everyone's attention.

'To another year with my friends!' He toasted

The crew gave a cheer and dug in, laughing and chatting like they didn't have a care in the world.

As they neared the end of thir meal, nami quietly slipped her hand under the table and caught luffys. He smiled at her and entwined their fingers.

After cleaning up and pilling back into the lounge, the crew fell into an almoat familiar roitine. As was tradition every year, they piled theit gifts up in themiddle and sat in a circle for secret santa.

Franky, zoro and luffy all claimed seats on the couch, while everyone else took the mattresses on the floor. Luffy caught nami as she walked past and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest in one fluid motion.

She only sighed and leaned her head back against his name, though a soft smile adorned her lips.

Starting with chopper, each member of the crew stood, walked to the center of the circle and found he gift with their name on it.

Chopper returned with his and opened it. It was a large packet of cotton candy from Robin, thought he didn't know it.

Next was usopp when relieved a box full of substances he was pretty sure were illegal, that he would use for making his projectiles for his slingshot.

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