dont touch

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'Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her.'

His voice was quiet but deadly and easily carried through the crowd. Crocodile turned slowly, anger tugging on his features.

The boy stood before them, hat pulled down over his eyes. His hair swayed gently in the wind, his entire aura nothing but deadly.

Something about him was so dangerous, everyone began to panic. None of them could see the sick boy who had spent the night hiding from nightmares. He was like a different person.

'Well, I didn't expect to see you here, straw hat.' Crocodile said, his voice dead calm. If you were to pay close attention, his panic was readable. The real tell was the way he subtly followed luffys orders. What he portrayed to be a menacig step towards the boy was un acyual fact a fearful step away from nami.

Luffys gaze shifted to the two who held Nami and their grip immediatly slackened enough to let her wriggle free.

She immediately turned and kicked the nearest one, kuro, In the balls. With his imobalosed, she made a desperate scramble for her saviour.

As she passed, crocodile reached out and grabbed her hair, anger now fully tainting his features.

'What do you morons him your doing! Who's orders do you follow?'

with this statement, arlong, the man who nami hadnt crippled, panicked and made a grab for her. He never made it.

Luffy was there in an instant, to fast to be normal. His fist was there a moment later. It connected wih its target, sending him flying into kuro who was just climbing to his feet. They were both sent flying, hitting the ground with a dull thud. Neither of them moved.

Before anyone could recover from the shock, luffy dove out of the way of crocodiles blade. He rolled neatly and launched himself at at crocodile, his movements almost impossible to follow.

Nami snapped herself out of her trance and can over to chopper who was sprawled on the ground. He wasn't too badly injured, just a bit battered. He took namis hand when she offered it to him and together the two of them headed over to join the crowd gathering to wayh luffys fight. People in cars and bikes topped as they past.

Luffy launched a punch at crocodile which he barely managed to dodge. He then sprang back, leaving crocodile off balance.he used this opertunity to drop onto his hands and sweep the knees put from under the older man. As he fell, luffy launched himself up, flipped in the air with unnatural ease and planted a kick in crocodiles rib cage that sent him smashing onto the concrete with a sickening crack.

After a moment of silence, he humiliated man began to haul himself to his feet, blood dripping down his face and hitting the concrete with a rhythmic drip.

'I already... told... you DUMBASSES... TO GET THAT GOD DAMMED WOMAN!' He bellowed. His gang jumped, their trance broked, and turned their attention to the mortified duo in their midst. Chopper tucked Nami behind him protectively.

Luffy took his eyes off crocodile to call put to them, purely worried about his friends. That's whe he predator struck.

He grabbed the distracted boy by the shirt and held him up infront of everyone.

'You know what?'He announced. 'I take it back. Forgetting about the girl for a second, you lot can watch me fi ish off this little brat first.'

Said brat almost chuckled in response. 'You heard the man. Watch this.'

Crocodiles smirk flipped into a frown as the younger boy stole his attention. He drew back his blood stained arm and launched his fist at his captive. The spectators, knowing the figt was drawing to an unexpected end, took a collective breath.

'lUFFY!' Nami screamed, tears pooling in her arm. Crocodile grin returned, blood thirsty, as his blade took through the boys red shirt , tearing it with ease. Almost in slow motion, the blood his he pavement. Nami screamed again, dropping to her knees.

Crocodiles severed hand it the ground wih a sickening thud.

The now shirtless luffy turned away behind crocodile, paling at the sight of the blood that that was pooling on the ground.

Nobody but Nami quite knew why his yes filled with tears. They didn't know the memories all that blood bought up in his mind.

Still, he stood there, shoving one hand into his pocket. With the other, he tapped crocodile on the shoulder. As the bleeding Man turned lufy delivered one final punch. The crunch that came from the breaking of crocodiles nose broke everyone out of their various states of shock.

Luffy stepped out of the way as crocodiles unconscious body hit the pavement.

Nami, still on her knees, vomited. She was shaking worse than luffy had been. Chopper was in shock, his hands clamped over his mouth as tears formed in his eyes. So much blood.

There was another, quieter thud as he fainted.

Tears falling freely from his face, luffy walked forwards to his two friends, The crowd parting for him as he passed. He pulled Nami into his chest and held her for a moment.

'I will never. Never. Let them hurt you. I promouse.' He whispered in her ear. She nodded and curled into him as he scooped her up with one arm. With the other, he threw chopper over his shoulder and strode back into the house, closing the door behind him.

So many chapters 😪. For those who are confused with how crocodile cut off his own hand, he was holding luffy by the shirt but luffy slipped out of it as crocodile struck, meaning crocodile missed and hit his own hand Instead.

Sorry about that, I could find a less confusing way to word it.

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