What would I give to wake in your arms

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Bell-mére returned home from work at 4:45. She walked up her front path and froze.

A stranger was curled up against her door. As she stared, she realised it was the same boy that had bought her daughter home the day before.

Soon after, she had discovered that he had saved her daughters ass from a guy called 'crocodile'.

She wasn't too sure what to make of him. He was striking, she'd give him that.

After recovering from the Initial shock, a second hit her ten times harder.

Her own daughter was curled in his lap, wrapped in what she assumed was his jacket, and was, surprise number three, fast asleep.

The pair were adorable. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her neighbor wander out to check the post.

'Oi, genzo!' She called as quietly as she could. He looked up, smiling when he saw her.

'Oh, good afternoon bell-mére. How are you?' He responded. She ignored the question.

'Check this out.' She said, pointing to the admittedly adorable pair on her doorstep.

She watched genzo's reaction. It was much the same as hers.

First, confusion as to what a random teenage boy was doing asleep on her property, and second, shock as he noticed the mop of red hair resting in his chest. His jaw dropped.

'N-Nami!' He stuttered. Bell-mére silenced him.

'Look at her genzo.' Bell-mére reasoned. 'She's sleeping. Peacefully.'

'What should we do?' Genzo asked, still sceptical.

Before bell-mére could answer, the boy began to stir. His eyes slowly opened and he blinked a few times.

The first thing he did was check on Nami. Bell-mére smiled.

Not too bad, nami. She thought.

Slowly, the boy lifted his to meet the mothers gaze. She was wearing an amused smile.

'Good morning.' Bell-mére teased.

The boy just grinned at her. A beautiful smile, she might add.

'Morning!' He replied, seemingly unaware of the position he was in.

'You mind explaining what's going on?'  Genzo said, stepping in.

'Well,' the boy started, standing up. Nami stirred in his arms, burying her head further into his chest. 'Nami fell asleep. The door was locked so I stayed here. Sorry for the intrusion.'
He lifted a hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it sheepishly. He held Nami easily in the other.

Only now that he was awake and standing could bell-mére get a good look at him.

He stood just shorter than her, not short but not quite tall. He was well built too. She could almost feel the strength that radiated off him.

Bell-mére took back her earlier thought. Not 'not bad Nami.' More like 'oh my god Nami!'

She stepped forwards, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

'You can put her on the couch.' She instructed.

Genzo just glared daggers into the back of luffy's head.

The boy paid him no attention. Instead, he did as bell-mére asked, gently lowering Nami onto the couch before standing and stretching his arms.

'Well.' He yawned. 'Nice to meet y'all. I'll be off now. My brother will be wondering where I am.'

Bell-mére could only watch as the boy casually wandered out. She didnt even get a chance to thank him.

She grinned at genzo who returned her gaze with a grumpy look. Nojiko appeared the the doorway.

'Hey mum. Genzo.' She said, giving the older man a kirt nod.

'Be quiet.' Bell-mére said, pointing at nami. Nojiko was quick to notice the jacket and smirked.

'This could t be the doing of the cutie I just passed, could it?' She asked. Bell-mére returned her grin.

'You bet. Impressive right! I had no idea.' She pulled out her phone. 'Look how I found them.'

Bell-mére turned her screen to show Nojiko the photo she had snuck before calling genzo over.

Nojiko's jaw dropped, her gaze switching between her sleeping sister and the newly presented image.

'Well I'll be darned.' She mumbled.

Meanwhile, luffy arrived home. He had lied about his brother. Nobody was home. Ace should be working.

Already, luffy could tell something was up. Someone was home.

Carefully, he crept inside, checking everywhere in the lounge and kitchen before before turning down the hallway.

Nothing.  Not in his and aces room, nor any of the others. Luffy was sure that his instinct was right. It was always right. Somebody was in that house.

He stopped outside the bathroom. The door was locked. From inside, he could hear laboured breathing. A terrible feeling settled in his gut.

'Is anyone in there?' He called. No answer.

'I know your there, who are you?' He tried again. Nothing.

'If you don't respond on three seconds, I'm kicking this door down!' He warned.




He kicked in the door, knowing that frankly could fix it later. The sight he found made his blood run cold.

He brother was curled on the floor, pale and shaking.

'Ace!' Luffy cried, throwing himself to his knees before his brother.

His pupils were dilated, going in and out of focus as ace battled for consciousness.

'L-luffy?' He rasped.

'Yeah, it's me, I'm here, just hold on, ok? I'm going to get help.'  He fumbled for his phone, laying his brothers head in his lap as he dialed the emergency number.

'911, what's is your emergency?'

'Please. I need an ambulance.'

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