not alone

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I can't log in on my computer, so I have to write this on my phone, which sucks absolute ass, but oh well. Anyway, sorry for any mistakes, if you point them out I'll change them later.

Now that she had confirmed this, more theories began to swirl around Robin's head.

Who else was missing that day... coby was a training xamp, but it wouldn't be him anyway... who else was there?

'Why did you even call, Robin?' Nami asked. The silence had been going on for far too long.

But that's when Robin figured it out. She let out a small gasp.

'What's wrong?' She asked. She would like to have said that she was worried about her friend, but in actual fact she was more worried about herself.

'Nami... are you alone in this house?' Robin asked.

'No.' Nami was trying to be cautious, but deep down she knew Robin had probably already caught on.

'Right. Is your mum working today?'


'And your sister is away with some friends?'

'... how did you know that?'

'I have my ways. Don't dodge the question.'

'... yeah.'

'OK then Nami. Care to tell me who is in your room?'

Namibfroze, before turning to the boy on her lap.

'I'm going to get a drink.' She said. 'Do you want anything?'

He shook his head, rolling away. His was beginning to worry her. He hadn't eaten, slept or drunk since he got to theirs. It was almost like he was trying to punish himself.

As he lifted his head from her lap so she could get up, it occurred to her that he was probably blaming himself for what had happened to ace.

She cursed herself mentally as she slipped out of the room. Once in the kitchen, she sunk onto a bar stool and Sat her computer on the bench.

'Robin, I haven't told you about this because it'd not mine to tell you, so don't go spreading things around, alright?'

'Of course. So, that was luffy right? He had his head on your lap?'

Nami sighed, resigned. 'I can't hide a anything from you, can I?'


'... luffys staying here a while.'

'In your room?'

'Well... I don't know actually. Don't get the wrong idea, we're not a couple or anything. Hes just a... a little down is all. Hes just lost someone quite important to him, and I was plannong on taking a day off anyway, so I said he could stay here.'

While that statement wasn't entirely true, Nami felt is summed up their little situation quote nicely.

'So,' Robin said, grinning. 'What's he like?'

Nami flushed, already feeling herself open up. Robin had that effect on people. She would never use namis words against her. And so so spoke.

'He's so sweet! And dumb, but in a kind of adorable way. He's also really cute... like he's hot...'

Nami paused, catching herself on a rant and turned to her smirking friend.

'I'm down bad, aren't I?'

'Hell yeah you are.'

Nami lowered her gaze. 'But you get it, don't you Robin? It's not like that. Like, our interactions. I could never look at him like that, not when he's hurting this bad. It feels Inhumane.'

'I get it.' That was another thing with Robin. She seemed to get everything.

'Anyway, I'll be expecting those notes.'

'Yeah, you got it babes. Good luck.' Robin teased before hanging up.

Nami sighed, closing her computer and grabbing some food. She made two teas and grabbed as much junk food as she could, hauling it all upstairs.

To her surprise, luffy was out of bed when she got back. He was sitting on he window sill with his legs dangling over the edge.

The cool evening breeze ruffled his hair and the evening sun cast shadows on his pained face. He looked like a painting. The view took her breath away.

He noticed her and snapped out of whatever thought he was having. He seemed to relax when he saw her a d climbed back through the window.

'You alright?' She asked, setting the plate of food down on the table. She knew exactly what the answer would be.

Then he did something that completely stunned her. He looked her in the eyes and gave her a weak, watery smile.

'Yeah.' He rasped, his voice still hoarse from a full day of crying and lack of use.

He hadn't spoked a word since they left the hospital.

'I'm fine. I might just take a walk if that's alright.' He said. She could tell it was all forced, but he left before she could recover from her state of shock.

He had barely had the energy to stand 6 hours ago. Out of concern, once she woke up she trailed along behind him.

Luffy let his smile drop as soon as he left namis room. His head felt as though it was filled with fire. The smoke clogged his thoughts and made it hard to breath. The flames ripped and tore and broke, leaving a path of destruction.

He was only vaguely aware of what he was doing.all he knew was that ace was dead, had died right before his eyes, and he has done nothing but sat back and watch.

'Useless, useless, useless!' He cried his voice starting off as a hoarse whispered and building until he screamed the word at the top of his lungs.

By now he had made it a block away and wandered into a nearby park. He dropped to his knees and began crawling until he reached a large Boulder that occupied the center of the grassy field.

He sobbed as he smacked his head against it, over and over, until hot blood streaked down his face and filled his eyes, nose and mouth.

Eventually, he gave up and slid down the rock face, leaving a smear of blood. He punched the ground, the pushed it again, and then lifted his head and leaned it in the rock which he then pushed.

He continued to punch the rock, over and over until his fist was raw and his arm screamed in protest. He continued to punch the rock. Until a delicate hand caught his arm and pulled him back.

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