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Luffy was still asleep when they pulled into the driveway. Franky and bon helped unload luffys stuff and then Franky carried luffy up to namis room. He put him on her bed, as the matress they were going to set up or him wasn't ready yet.

Eventually, when all of luffys stuff was in either the lounge or namis room, Nami stood with them in the doorway.

'Thank you for looking after him. Are you sure you'll be alright?' Franky asked kindly. Nami only nodded.

'Don't worry about me, but there was one other thing we hoped to achieve today.'

'Oh?' Franky said, raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah. Well... his brother was luffys only family, other than a grandfather with dimensia, although I don't think he'll be of much help. But lluffy did mention a friend -'

'Sabo?' Bon clay cut in. 'We've already contacted him. He and his father are perfectly happy to look after the funeral. Luffy dosent need to worry about that.'

Nami let out a sigh of relief.

'Thats good. Tell him thank you from us. Oh, and thanks you guys as well.'

'No problem big sis!' Franky chirped. A tick appeared on namis forhead at the name and she promptly kicked then out.

Upon returning to her room, Nami dropped down onto her bed sighing. Then she remembered that liffy was on the bed and turned to make sure she hadn't woken him up. He was not there.

Slightly worried, she looked around the room. He was nowhere to be seen. She barrolled out of the room and found the bathroom door locked. It was a relief, sinfe nobody else was home and it had to be luffy.

'You alright in there lu?' She called softly. There was a slight pause before he called back, his voice sounding fourced.

'Yeah, im just on the toilet.' He said. Nami was relieved at his words, although his hesitation made her suspicious.

'...alright.'She said warily, returning tonher room where she made his bed. Whe she was done, he was still not out if the bathroom.

She returned to the door and nocked quite harshly.

'Lu, don't lie to me, are you alright?'

'I told yo-' He started but was interrupted by a fit of heaving wet coughs. After half a minute, he began to retch.

'Luffy, I'm coming in!' Nami called worried. It was a fear she was so so caught up on. Isn't this how he found his brother?

She pulled a Bobby pin out of her hair and made quick work of the lock. He door burst open to reveal luffy slumped over the toilet bowl, pale and shaky. He was panting heavily and didn't raise his eyes to meet namis. Before she could even move his breath caught and he lurched forward, vomiting again and again.

Nami dropped down on the tiles beside him, ignoring the yell of protest from her knees, and placed the palm of her hand on his bare, sweaty back. The muscles that riddled it were strained and tense, thought they relaxed somewhat as she rubbed gentle circles on his back. With the other hand, she gently pushed the hair out of his face. It was plastered to his forhead with sweat.

Her hand grazed his forhead as she did so and she let out a bark of surprise.

'Shit! Luffy, your burning up!' She yelped. He was shaking more violently then she had seen him since the first time she found him in the hospital corridor.

He stayed like that for a while, bent over the toilet, panting. Occasionally he would tense up, his muscles going taunt, but he didn't vomit again after that. Eventually, he lifted his head, sinking onto the floor. He gripped his shirt which was discarded beside the sink and used it to wipe his face.

'Sorry about that.' He rasped, his voice hoarse from the effort of throwing up.

'I think I'm done now.'

She just gaped at him, standing slowly. He was sick, he was sick, he was still...

'Luffy, I don't know what to do, I think we should go to -'

'No hospital.' He said, his gaze deadly.

Nami sighed. 'OK, but I'm calling my friend over, alright? He dosent need to know the full story, but he will know what to do for you. Have a shower and then come to bed, got it?'

He nodded, opening he door for her. Reluctantly, she left, hearing the lock click behind her. She hovered outside the room unil she heard the shower switch on, and then she retreated down to the kitchen.

Once down here, she called her friend chopper and asked him to come over before pulling the first aid kit down and hauling it up to her room. She returned a moment later to grab a bowl of cold water and a cloth.

She set the gear down beside the bed and pulled the covers aside. Luckily for her, it was Saturday, so chopper would be there any minute.

The shower switched off and lufy through the door. Nami looked away as he pulled on some pants and the let him crawl into bed. He looked... sick.

'Man lu, you ain't looking so hot.' She said, writing out the cloth and folding it neatly before draping it over his head, she could have sworn she saw steam come off him.

'You have a fever.' She announced, absent mindedly tucking his damp hair out of his face. 'Do you want anything?'

He shook his head and closed his eyes. Nami only had a few seconds to study him before there was a nock at the front door.

She raced down the stairs and answered it. Her good friend chopper stood there, his medical bag clutched protectively to his chest. He was a tiny boy with must brown hair and big eyes. Adorable really. His squeaky voice only topped off the impression.

'Hey nami!' He chirped, pulling off his shoes before stepping inside. Nami wasted no time with small talk. She grabbed choppers tiny hand and pulled him up the stairs. Paused at the top of the stairs, letting the doctor regain his composure, before nothing quietly and pushing the door open.

'Hey lu, my friend is here.' She said softy. Chopper followed behind her, all of a sudden shy. Luffy had sat with them once during intervil, so chopper had met him, but it always took the shy young boy a while to warm up to strangers.

The two dropped down silently beside the boy, Nami on his right, pushed up against her bed and chopper on the left.

She watched as chopped gently pulled the cloth off his head and began to examine him thoroughly.

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