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Luffy sat up, rubbing his eyes. he blinked a few times, and then lay back down. His head hurt.  pouting, he rolled into the other laying beside him, bundled up in the blankets. she stirred and groaned as she too woke to a hangover. Sighing, she turned to face the pouting man baby who had so rudely woken her up.

"What?" she mumbled, dropping her head down on his arm.

"My head hurts." He announced. Nami took a deep breath, calming herself before she put his head in even more pain.

"Thats because your hung over dumb ass. its your own fault for drinking."

"But it was so fun! And Zoro's the one who told me to." He whined.

Deciding she couldn't be bothered, nami just sighed and tried to roll back over. strong arms wrapped around her waist and held her still. Giving up, having already been in this position far to many times, she stilled and curled up into him, drowsy. before long both of them were asleep.

downstairs, the house was a mess. beer bottles were scattered all over the place, as well as the sleeping bodies of coma'd out young adults. amongst them lay the straw hat gang, some of whom were beginning to stir. tony tony chopper was the first up, as he hadn't drunk. he crawled off of zoro who was asleep on the pool table, and took in the number of casualties.

"i'm going to need one hell of a lot of pain killers." He mumbled.

Robin was up next, and then sanji. while he headed into the kitchen to make breckfast, robin got to work cleaning up. chopper had left to the pharmacy to stock up on pills, accidentally standing on usopp on the way out and consequently waking him up as well. rather than putting himself to use, he dragged himself after robin, whining about how much pain he was in.

franky brook and jinbe were quick to join the fray, as well as vivi and shirahoshi who were visiting from over seas.

one by one the guests began to wake up and disperse, some of them hurrying out for work and others helping tidy or vanishing off to avoid it.

the cause of all this celebrating was a big one. Luffy and Nami had gotten engaged. admittedly, although the entire crew were happy for them, they were also rather impressed. those two had been together since years back when luffy had first moved here. they had gotten together during that time when he was at his lowest after loosing both of his brothers in a car crash. there had been other highs and lows since then, both for luffy and for their relationship.

for luffy there had been the time sabo's family had come down for the holidays and the straw hat gang had been able to meet this man who was now the closest thing luffy had to family. i say this because on of the lows was the loss of his grandfather, monkey d. garp, who, after many years of miraculously surviving off sheer will power, had died a rather peaceful death in his sleep at his retirement home. He was buried beside ace in the grave yard where luffy visited often, generally accompanied by nami as he was with everything else he did.

the pair made their appearance now, nami trailing behind luffy as they wandered into the lounge to various greetings. Chopper returned with the pain killers and everyone flocked him with various yelps of gratitude. 

Yes, the pair were getting married, at long last. They had been together since high school and had never been split apart, even when things were tense. the wedding was scheduled to be held 6 months from the day of this party, and spirits were high.

Seeing as everyone had finally grown up and been thrown into the real world, they all had to leave fairly early for work, some of them already late. eventually the pair were left alone in their house, exhausted and giddy from a night of partying. Ignoring the mess that surrounded them, they turned to each other and grinned, simultaneously breaking out into laughter.

"ahhh, man I love you." Luffy chuckled, standing and pulling his fiance into a bear hug. 

"you too, you goof ball." came his reply. 

they stayed like that for a while before, eventually, Nami broke away to go clean up. Luffy helped out as well to avoid getting scolded. after their house was in a reasonably presentable state, they settled down on the couch and flicked on a movie. Luffy, being hung over and tired, was quickly asleep, sprawled out across the couch. nami got up to grab a drink and came back to find her spot was taken, so rather than wake him up she went and got a blanket and curled up on top of him, only partially listening to the movie. before long she too was fast asleep.

god i'm so sorry i genuinely didn't know what to write about, but imagine what you will, and know they stayed a happy couple and are now facing the path of marage.

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