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Nami woke first. Her alarm was going off. Curing, she rolled out of luffys arms and reached out to switch it off.

As soon as she detached from him, cold swept through her. Not only was her body missing his warmth, but her soul was too.

She sighed in relief when her alarm was finally silent. She turned to look back at luffy. She wanted more than anything to crawl back into his arms, but didn't feel it was her right.

Instead, she reached over and brushed the hair out of his face. After a while, he cracked an eye open and stared at her.

'Gmornin.' He mumbled. She smiled at him.

'Hey. How you feeling?'

'... better. Like shit. But I'll be OK.' Nami was shocked at this. At his optimism, even at the lowest of low times. For him to still be fighting, it was impressive.

After a short silence, he opened his arms.

'You gonna c'mere or what?' He asked, almost like he was pouting.

She gladly burrowed back into him, sighing with content. His hand glided up her back, back down, and then up again before lodging itself in her hair and gently massaging her head.

Without meaning to, she let out a soft sound of pleasure. Catching herself, she tensed up, flushing a beet red.

Idiot. She cursed herself. Luffy, however, didn't seem to mind. If anything, he pulled her closer.

'Thank you.' He murmered into her head. She sat her chin on his chest and looked up at him.

'Don't thank me idiot. You owe me nothing. If anything, I should be thanking you. This break has helped a lot. And... I dunno... it's weird but...' she trailed off.

'What?' He asked holding her gaze. Her cheeks heated up and she fought to hide It.

'I just... I seem to... sleep better when your here? I don't know, it's weird but-'

'No. I know what you mean.' He said. 'Me too. It really helps huh, sleeping. Makes it easier to think.'

She nodded Into him, returning her head to his chest. They were both familiar with the thick fog that clogged you mind when you were exhausted. The fog that often made it difficult difficult breath.



'... i think I have to check in at home today. I can't hide here forever.'

'Right. Take your time tho lu, it's only been a day.'

'I know. But I left the others to deal with everything at home, and I am... I was his only family...' luffys voice broke, but he tried desperately to fi ishe his sentence.

'A-and I... there a-are so many p-people... i have to call s-sabo and ... and change the emergency number for g-gramps. And the there's the f-funeral and...'

His words were lost in his hiccups and the tears that fell freely down his face.

'Hush, luffy, hey its OK.' She assured him. 'nobody is expecting anything of you. You are not alone, I'm sure there are so many people who would help you unquestioning. Everything else will sort itself out eventually, yeah?

Give yourself some time to heal. Listen, today well just relax. Tomorrow, I'll come with you to yours and we can check in on everyone and make some calls.

We'll get someone to help out with all the details and you can pack your things and stay here for a week. Then we can join in the planning and what not, ok? And I'll stay with you the entire time, promise.'

By this point, luffys sobbing would not allow him to speak, but he nodded. She shuffled up he mattress so thie roles were swapped, his head resting on her her as he sobbed.

By 10:30, both were still again. At this point, Nami felt her stomach growling. Frowning, she sat up.

'The fact that im hungry means that your probably on the brink of starvation.' She announced. Though he never would have admitted it, luffy was beginning to feel feint.

'Come have breakfast.' She ordered, knowing asking would get her nowhere. He curled up a bit, face filling with despair, and stared down at his knees.

'Come on lu, you haven't had anything but a cup of tea for a full day and a half. Please.' After another moments hesitation, he climbed slowly put of bed, gaze still downcast.

Nami slipped her hand into his so he couldn't escape a pulled him towards the door.

Bell mères stuff was coating the lounge and her bedroom door was open, so Nami knew she was around.

She pulled out a seat and luffy climbed into it with his head on one knee and the other dangling over the edge of the stool.

As nami opened the fridge to examine its content, bell mère walked in.

'Hey.' Nami said, returning her attention to the fridge.

'Morning.' Bell mère replied. Nami waited for the familiar click of the door swinging closed, but it bever came. She looked up again and saw genzo wander in and slipped his shoes off.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Genzo was a frequent guest at the house, but she didn't think her mother would bring him in with luffy over. It didn't stop genzo.

Next came nojiko with her boyfriend, a quiet guy named Pell. The idiot had been hit with a bus three times and was still completely fine. Nami still found it odd.

'Heya sis.' Nojiko waved. 'And you luffy.' Her voice softened and Pell noticed the boy slumped on the chair.

Luffy, who had ditched his shirt to sleep the previous night and had not bothered replacing it, sat up straighter and spun around on his chair, equally surprised by the company.

He didn't smile, but greeted them with a cheerful enough voice. An act Nami knew, but a damn good one.

'Hey bell mère. Nojiko. I don't know you guys, but hello to you too.' He greeted.

His hair, having just gotten out of bed, was messy, but not at all on a bad way. In fact, he somehow looked stunning.

Jesus. Nami thought. She had never k own anyone who looked good with bed hair.

Pell, it seemed, was intrigued by the mysterious boy. He walked up to luffy and stuck out a hand.

'I'm Pell.' He said with a smile. Nojikos boyfriend.'

Luffy didn't even try to return the smile. He looked exhausted, but did a fairly good job of hiding it from he older boy.

'Luffy. Nice to meecha.'

'Your looking pretty gloomy kid. Are you always like this or have you just not had a Coffey yet? Trust me, i know the feeling.'

The girls fell silent at the joking tone in voice. Luffy diverted his gaze, falling silent, and nojiko cleared her throat.

'Pell?' She called. He turned to her and she motioned for him to follow her outside.

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