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Im running out of titles, help 😭

When the two of hem were gone, bell mère and genzo wandered over. Genzo took a sear on he bench on the opposite end to luffy while Nami took the seat to his right.

She gently rested a hand on the boys lap, a small gesture to offer him comfort. He looked up at her, meeting her worried gaze.

'I'm alright, don't worry.'He whispered, placing his hand on top of hers and interlocking their fingers.

Bell mère hummed to herself as she went about cooking pancakes. Nojiko returned with a much more solemn looking Pell and luffy and nami took the couch to make room for them.

Bell mère wandered over and delivered two plates piled with pancakes coated in golden syrup. Tiny squares of melted butter sat on top.

Nami began to eat straight away, devouring the meal, but luffy picked at it aimlessly. She had not known luffy long, but she seemed to remember him eating a he'll of a lot at interville. It felt abnormal to see him pick at his food, as his abnormal food consumption had almost immediately seemed part of his personality.

He finished about half of it before handing it over to nami who, after making sure he wouldn't eat any more, due In. She and luffy silently bought their plates up and disappeared to their room, both feeling much better having eaten.

Back in their room, luffy crawled over to his corner of the bed. Nami disappeared into the bathroom. She emerged a few minutes later sly grin on her face and a comb in her hand.

Her own strawberry blond hair hung freely around her shoulders. She climbed Into bed and built a seat For herself with the pillows. She dropped down and motioned for luffy to sit between her knees.

He obeyed with slight curiosity and sat there, completely still, as nami bought the brush up to his head.

His reaction was definitely not what she expected. As she ran the comb through his silk like hair, a shudder ran down his spine. He tipped his head back slightly and closed his eyes, a small sound of pleasure escaping him.

Nami blinked a few times as heat rushed up her neck. Her entire face felt like it was burning up. The feeling she had experienced the night before as he held her returned. Inside her stomach the butterflies she sometimes had became more like worms.

Noticing her pause, luffy cracked an eye open to check on her. His eyes widened in concern and he spun around, kneeling infront of her as he cupped her cheek in his had and pressed the other against her for head.

'Are you alright nami? You are so red! Your not sick are you?' The panic in his voice was so real it temporarily distracted her from her state. His eyes flew over her, checking desperately for any sign of harm.

So scared. He was so scared. Pure terror rippled off him and tears built in his eyes.

'Hey, luffy, its alright. Im not sick.' She assured him, her cheeks returning to their normal colour. At first, she was confused about where the cause of his panic came from. Then she remembered how ace had died. Of a sudden and unexpected sickness.

The realisation hit her like a sledge hammer, but luffy seemed to be calming down.

'You're ok?' He confirmed, sliding the hand he had pressed to her for head down to cup the other side of her face. His traveling eyes settled on her own and he finally saw the worry in them.

Two tears rolled down his cheek, but he didn't move his hands to wipe them away. Nami raised her hand and slowly brushed them away. He leaned forward and rested his forhead on hers, breathing in deeply through his nose, closing his eyes.

Nami, still partially shocked, didn't move. When her brain finally came to terms with her situation, her breath caught. He was so close. So close to her. And there was this urge, like a magnetic pull, slowly bringing her closer.

When they were mere millimeters away, luffys eyes flickered open. The care in his features, genuine care, only added to her need to close the gap entirely. But he pulled away.

One second he was there, his breath warm on her face, and the next he had settled himself back between her legs and waited silently for her to continue brushing his hair.

As she did just that, a feeling of longing filled her. She hadn't wanted him gone. She had, in that moment, been seconds away from kissing him.

A few minutes later, Nami set down the comb and stretched, sighing. Almost instantly, luffys hand snaked neck up to his hair and messed it back up. Nami, despite herself, chuckled.

'I shouldn't have even bothered.' She teased. He turned to face her.

'I'm glad you did. It was nice.' He said, without a hint of embarasment on his face. So direct, she thought, tucking her legs around him and climbing out of bed.

'Are you feeling up to that trip to your place?' She said, cautious. He paled, but nodded, siting up.

'You know we don't have. We could go tomorrow if you want to.'

He took a deep breath and shook his head.

'No, i need to pack my things anyway.'
His voice was weak, but the finality of his decision was written all over his face.

She nodded, respecting his decision and deciding not to push the subject any further. Instead, she offered him her hand. He took it and she helped him up.

He grabbed a shirt and the bag he had with him and put both on. Nami waited for him in the doorway. She held out her hand to him as he approached and he took it, interlocking their fingers.

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