an unexpected guest

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I'm sorry, i just had to throw in that photo. Please don't hate me 😅

Nami rounded the corner she had last seen luffy disappear down. That's when she heard his screams.

Each time he yelled 'useless!', her pace quickened until she was sprinting as hard as she could down the street.

She finally found him in the park, kneeling in a pile of his own blood, repetitively slamming his fist into a Boulder. A Boulder, she soon realised, that was covered in smears of blood.

Nami reached him at last, catching his arm and pulling his back. The fight went out of him in an instant and his body went slack.

With a jarring sob, luffy fell back into namis arms. She gently lowered him sk his bloodied head lay in her lap and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

She gently removed her jacket and used it to day away the blood that was already beginning to clot on his face. This lines down his cheeks remained clear where the tears had washed the blood away.

'Oh my God luffy.' She whispered, her eyes stinging with tears. 'It's alright. Don't go beating yourself up over this, please, it's not your fault.'

When his tears had faded from a torrent  to a trickle, and nami had managed to whipe most of the blood from his face, luffy took a deep breath.

It caught and stuck multiple times in his throat, but it seemed to calm him down enough for him to speak.

'I'm so sorry. Oh God, I'm so sorry.' His voice broke and he fought to continue .

'It just hurts... so bad.'

Nami felt her own tears spill over as she remembered the last time he'd said that.
She gently lifted his head, standing, before reaching down and pulling him up.

He fell forwards onto her shoulder and she said an arm around his waist. He leaned on her as they walked home, a horrible sad yet only comforting silence surrounding them.

Once home, Nami gently lowered luffy onto the couch before turning to retrieve the snacks that she'd bought up earlier, determined to make him eat something.

She opened her bedroom door and screamed.

A hooded figure sat on her bed, an eery blue glow illuminating their familiar features. The glow came off her phone. The features belonged to Niko Robin.

'Robin, you scared me shitless.' Nami gasped. Robin pulled her head back, smirking, just as luffy barreled Into the room, ready to right, and tucked Nami behind him.

Robin's smile faded to a look of shock as she took in the scene in front if her.

The boy stood in blood stained trackpants, his bare chest glowing with a golden tan and lined with muscle rising and falling in short sharp bursts as he panted.

His chest and shoulders were stained with fresh blood, and his right fist was cut and bruising, just like the weeping area just above his hairline.

His breathing was heavy and he seemed slightly feverish, his pupils shifting in and out of focus and filled with fear. Fear for Nami, Robin realised.

More than that, etched Into every move he made, every inch of his face, was raw, unyielding pain. He was definitely going through something. Robin was starting to doubt whether she should have welcomed herself into their business.

As robin watched, Nami placed a reassuring hand on luffys shoulder.

'It's alright luffy, I'm fine. Robin just gave me a fright is all. Sorry for worryig you.'

Luffy relaxed, leaning into the hand she had braced on his shoulder. He fear in his featured melted into exhaustion and the pain in his features Intensified.

Robin snapped herself out of her shock and put her phone down, regaining her composure.

'I'm terribly sorry for scaring you.' She apologized. 'I just wanted to check in.'

Nami sighed, turning to luffy.

'Go wash up, lu.' She said, pulling down a towel from where it hung on the corner of he door. He nodded and took it, staggering across the room and disappearing from sight.

Nami watched him go, a tender look on her face, before shutting the door and turning to Robin, upset.

'I told you to stay out of this ' She said In a warning tone. Robin dropped her gaze.

'I know. I'm sorry.'

'Why did you come here, is there something important?'

'No. I just wanted to assess the situation here. I realise that I shouldn't have. I'll go now.' Robin said, realisig that she wasn't wanted.  Nami stopped her.

'Don't be stupid. You can stay. You already know everything anyway. Could you grab the first aid box? It's on the shelf above the fridge.'

'You got it.'

Robin left, leaving Nami alone with her thoughts. He had hurt himself. Intentionally. Her heart filled with dread. Why? Why would he do that? She was so occupied by her thoughts that she didn't notice the shower switch off. Nor the door swing open.

'Nami.' The raven haired boy said, snapping her back into reality. She jumped a little, relaxing when she saw it was him.

'I'm sorry.' He mumbled, standing in front of her. She tried not to allow herself to look at him properly, damp and glistening and wrapped in a towel. Instead she met his gaze.

'I never stopped to think about you. That probably scared you quite a bit. I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I swear.' He reiterated. He was shaking, although it could have been from the cold.

The pain in his face, the sorrow, the guilt, it broke her. She was just about to wrap him in a hug when Robin stuck her head through the door.

Nami stood and silently followed her out while luffy changed.

This time, he wore a single and shorts, and was sitting I'm his spot on the far corner of the bed when the girls game back. His legs were stretched out infront of him, his hands, which he stared at, resting face up on his thighs.

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