doctor chopper

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Chopper spent a good 15 minutes examining luffy before he stood, a determined look on his face.

'Well, he will be fine. I don't really know what the situation is here, but he is exhausted, physically and mentally. This means that his body is prone to bugs like this one. But he is also lacking sustenance. His blood sugar are low and he does not have enough Fibre, which is unhealthy for his gut. His is probably the cause of sickness. Make sure he eats and drinks plenty and give him antibiotics twice a day.' He announced. Nami looked down at luffy, who was now in some delirious state of sleep.

'He keeps refusing to eat.' She admitted to the doctor, who furrowed his brows.

'I...I can't really recommend anything for that. You could take him to the hospital and have him feed his liquifi-'

'No.' luffy rasped without so much as opening his eyes. 'No hospital. Im fine.'

'Luffy, if you don't want to go to hospital then you need to eat, ok?' Nami said decisively. Luffy nodded reluctantly.

'Umm... Nami?' Chopper asked, going shy again.


'... could I stay here a while to keep an eye on him? I know I said hell be fine, but still...'

'Its not a problem chopper. Is that OK with you lu?' She asked the pale boy. He nodded weakly in responce. Then came the issue of sleeping.

Since luffy was sick, he took the mattress. This left chopper and nami with the double. With anyone other than chopper (or luffy) this would be pretty damn awkward, but chopper was to young and sweet for it to be weird.

Once this was sorted, chopper went downstairs to find something luffy could eat. Nami didn't bother cooking because she knew bell mère would be home soon. Even as she thought this, she heard the front door open.

Deciding the situation needed explaining, she darted downstairs. But it wasn't bell mère who walked through the door. It was nojiko.

'Evening sis.' She said, dropping immediately down onto the couch.nqmi grunted a responce before returning back upstairs. As she left, she heard nojiko strike up a conversation with poor little chopper.

Ignoring the two, she returned to her room. Luffy was awake, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed. Nami dropped back down beside him and replaced the cloth once more, pressing it gently to his forhead. Whatever chopper had given him was helping, and his sweating had almost stopped.

Her hand lingered on his forhead for a little too long as she stared down at him, completely forgetting that he was perfectly aware of her.

'Are you alright nami?' He asked. 'This was supposed to be your time off. Instead your under more stress than you would be at school.'

Nami chuckled. 'Thats bullshit and you know it. I'm glad that I'm here with you, dumbass.'

Luffy flashed her a tired grin and reached weakly up to ruffle her hair. His eyes lingered on her even as he allowed his arm to drop back onto the matress. And then be began to cry.

Chopper, who had finally weathered nojikos interrogation, hauled the medical box up the stairs. It was quite a feat considderibg he was almost the same size as it. When he finally reached the door to namis room he set it down exhausted.

Afer regaining his breath, he stood up on his tiptoes and reached for the door handle. It opened with a click and the small boy picked the medical box back up before finaly stepping inside. He froze.

Nami was sitting against the bed, cradeling choppers patient in her lap. She was humming gently, a tune chopper quickly recognised as binks sake. It was their friend brooks favoitite, and since brooke happened to be a musisian, they heard it quite a lot.

Luffy, the sick boy, was fast asleep, his head tucked into the crook of her neck as she leand back against the bed. Every now and then he would twitch or mutter something, and everytime nami would shift him a bit, pulling him closer or trackng circles on his back, humming the entire time.

Chopper, when he recovered awkwardly cleared his throat, setting the medicsl bow down with an intentionally loud thud. Nami almost jumped out of her skin, and luffy quickly jolted out of his sleep, seemingly hyper aware of her distress. He was looking a bit better, but it would take a good couple of days worth of healthy eating to allow the boy a full recovery.

Luffy did need to sleep, but chopper made Nami wake him up so he could eat something first. She agreed and shook him gently awake.

After quite a lot of prodding from the doctor and shaking from Nami, luffy woke up. He didn't move from namis lap. If anything, he curled himself up more.

'Luffy.' Nami said quietly, turning the sleepy boys attention to her. 'Chopper says you have to eat.'

Luffy looked up at her, blinking. His face was completely blank.

'Who?' He asked innocently.

Nami sighed and pointed to the slightly offended looking boy infront of them.

'Chopper. My friend.' Nami deadpanned.

Luffy shuffled around a bit so he was dacing chopper and recognition lit up his features.

It took a good while for Nami and chopper to convince luffy to eat. First of all, he said he wasn't Hungry, and then he went on a rant about how much hebhated vegetables. Finally, he took the bowl of food chopper handed him and devoured it withing seconds.

With a perfectly calm expression, he handed the bowl back to chopper, flipped himself back into namis shoulder and appeared to fall back asleep.

Chopper stared down at the bowl in shock before recovering enough to offer to do the dishes. As soon as he was gone, luffy pulled away from Nami so he could speak.

'Nami, can I sleep with you?' He asked, as if it was the most simple concept in the world. He was much to innocent really. In saying this, Nami didn't mind one bit. Infact, it may seem a bit unfair but she couldn't help taking advantage of the boys childishness and using it to be closer to him.

So, naturally, she agreed, saying chopper could take his bed. On her request, he stood and climbed into bed while Nami fixed the sheets on the other ready for chopper to use.

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