prolific nightmares

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Luffy, not wanting to disturb Nami or get her sick, chose to sleep on the far corner of the bed, curled up by himself.

Soon after they had all settled down, chopper was fast asleep. The two on namis bed noticed this and couldn't help but feel jealous. Even so, they were both asleep pretty quickly.

A few hours later, they started.

Luffy woke up, looking around to find he was not where he had fallen asleep. He was in a hospital room. He recognised it. It was the room where he had watched his brother die. He looked down at his hands. They were stained in blood.
One thing that he notices was that the room.smelt absolutely horrendous. A wave of nausea washed over him and he vomited all over the floor. There was blood everywhere, and flies. The room was warm and sweltering luffy shuffled Over to open the window but it wouldn't budge. When he turned around, he notices something he hadn't before. The window used for observing the room which was usually tinted in his end was completely clear. Through it he could see masked surgons, each looking identical due to their hair nets and scuffs.he could only see their eyes, which were completely white, following his every move. Their pristine uniforms were spattered with blood and each held a different tool in their hand. One had a scalpel while another had an ominous looking syringe.
Luffy felt panic build as he backed slowly away from them. He tried and tried to scream but he thick air fourced its way down his throat and the horrible smell of blood and decay engulfed his entire he continued to stumble backwards, he tripped over something on the floor. He fell on his ass, covering himself in blood. And looked up at what he had tripled over.

His brother's long dead corpse was sprawled on the ground, lying on his stomach with limbs brotruding out st awkward angles. Maggots were visable through his empty eye sockets. Blood coated his rotting flesh, and parts if him were starting to turn black with infection. Luffy tried and tried to scream, over and over and over until his voice cut out and he woke up.

He launched forwards in his bed and sprinted out of the room, tesring through the hall and ignoring Nami and choppers cries of concern. He made it to the bathroom just in time where he began to throw up over and over into the toilet bowl. Namibwas there in an instant, wearing nothing but an over sized tee shirt. Chopper followed a moment later, unable to keep pace on his tiny legs.

She pulled back his hair and rubbed his back for a full 5 minutes before his consistent vomiting became panting and retching. He was shaking horrifically, almost unable to reach for the glass of water on the sink. Chopper grabbed it and handed it to him and he took it greatfully and drank.

Namis mind was whirring. She knew the vomiting was caused by his nightmare, but she was also suspicious hat the last time he threw up was after hmshe had madebhim eat something.he really hadn't been able to properly digest anything. No wonder he was so sick.

Chopper, flicking straight to doctor mode, gave his diagnosis.

'This looks like the effects of ptsd, although I cannot confirm since you guys won't tell me anything. Either way, I recommend you do not sleep after eating and make sure your body has fully processed the food before you do. If you vomit up everything you eat you will develop an eating disorder that could very well kill you." He said, before disapearing to grab more pills. Whe he returned, he handed them to luffy.

The boy took them greatfully, Still panting and shaking, and downed them before telling Chopper he would eat in the morning. When Chopper could see his mind was made, he dropped the subject and went back to bed after making he others promoused to wake him up anything else happened.

On the way out of the bathroom, the hairbrush caught namis eye. Knowing the two of them would be awake the remainder of the night, grabbed it and then looped her free hand around luffys waste to keep him steady.

She climbed in once again and grinned at luffy, waving the brush around. He gave her a weak smile and crawled between her legs. Nami cleared her throat and began to humm once again, not failing to notice how much luffy relaxed, especially at her touch. it made her feel so wanted.

She got to work on his hair, which was soft and clean having just been washed. Her face filled with heat at all the small expressions of pleasure that the action caused.

Eventually, he took the brush from her hand and put on another short smile

'My turn.'

She chuckled, waiting for him to move before getting out of his way and allowing him to take her place. Finally, she crawled back to him and took up the same position he had been In.

His slight fever meant he was giving off a nice heat that caused her to lean into him even more. She melted into his bare torso, their bodies fitting together like a glove. Her traitorous mind immediately forgot all about the innocent act of hair brushing.

Luffy, it seemed, had the same issue. He left the hairbrush abandoned on the bed and slid his arms around namis waste, pressing his face to her hair. Nami shuddered as his warm breath caressed the area behind her ear.

Neither of them said anything for quite a long time. Both of them could quite clearly feel that this hold was different to all their usual forms of comfort. It was more... intimate.

Eventually, Nami realised that something had to be done. She knew she should defuse the situation but... deep down, she loved this sensation and was beginning to crave it.

Fortunately for her, luffy made the first move. Keeping a tight hold on her waste, he spun her so she was facing him. Resting his forhead on hers, he wispered;

'You know I'll always protect you, right? I won't loose anyone else I love.'

In the dark, Nami couldn't make out his pained expression, but she knew it was there. She didn't miss his use of the word love, but she didn't think on it too hard at the time being. She would hate to misinterpret it. So, instead, she asked a simple question.

'Can I kiss you?'

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