Doctor Stephen Crogs - scientist behind all of the stuff
Cole Bernard - young man, strongest of the bunch, kind of a coward (Amelia)
Amelia Kopkin - young woman, most wise of the kids (Cole) -
Lenore Andrews - young woman, not very smart but loving and most caring of the kids (Knox)
Westley Sevege - young man, most savvy of the bunch (Megan) -
Megan Hunt - young woman, best with technology (Westley)
Upton Quincey - young man, good with words (Valarie) -
Millie Dinzel - young woman, best with flirting and getting away with things (Zander) -
Valirie Merchant - young woman, most uplifting of the bunch (Upton)
Zander Endicott - young man, good at a lot of things (Millie)
Knox Gardner - young man, most mean, and biggest asshole of the bunch (Lenore) -
Other Characters
Jesus Christ
Augustus Caesar
Judas Iscariot
Peter Simeon
Mary Christ
Joseph Christ
Mary Magdalene
The Change In Reality (Book 2)
Научная фантастикаThe group of kids seem to be getting along for the most part... as they have spent the last few days, and the last few weeks getting to know each other a little bit better, at that... But they know that their time is coming soon, and that this fun s...