Insult To Injury

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               Sheriff Wendy jumped as she saw Felton O'Neill enter the library. She was tied to the chair she was sitting in, with duct tape over her mouth. She knew who did this to her, and why. It was none other than her psycho ex boyfriend, who just so happened to work at Brooklyn Falls Penitentiary.
Everyone had heard about the prison closing down for the prisoners to fight it out, including Sheriff Wendy & Sheriff Terry, her ex boyfriend. She had broken up with his cheating ass on the phone, and even keyed that precious truck he always GUSHED about to her. Obnoxious prick. So, Sheriff Wendy was already hesitant to meet up with him in the library, but she did it anyways. She thought she may as well humor him and see what bullshit excuses he would throw her way.
She walked into the library, and he smacked her in the head with a massive dictionary and knocked her unconscious. Then, he tied her up into a chair and duct taped her mouth shut, knowing damn well she'd be locked up in here with these prisoners.
"It's okay ma'am, I won't hurtcha." O'Neill said, letting his southern accent truly shine through in that moment. Sheriff Wendy relaxed, but not completely. Prisoners were known to seem trusting, but she was taught never to completely trust a prisoner.
O'Neill took the tape off of her mouth, letting her speak. "Has it begun?" Sheriff Wendy asked, tears rolling down her face out of fear. O'Neill gave a sad nod. "It's foolishness. Absolute tomfoolery that I ain't gonna be no part of." O'Neill said. He thought, then continued. "Rush seems to be running the show here with those thugs of his." O'Neill said with disgust in his voice.
Sheriff Wendy's eyes grew wide. Rush was a known trouble maker, and now she would be locked in here with him. "What are we gonna do?" She asked, panicking. "You, ma'am, will be doing nothing. For now, just stay low and barricade yourself in here with them bookshelves." O'Neill said, pointing around the room. "If those prisoners find you in here, they'll kill you." O'Neill said.
A lightbulb went off in his brain, and he decided what he was going to do. "Hell, I'll just stay in here witcha, how bout dat?" O'Neill said. Sheriff Wendy was in no position to protest. It would be safer in here then out there with those psychopaths.
O'Neill untied the knots around her wrists, before both of them began barricading the door with so much junk that nobody could ever truly get through it all. They'd be safe in the library, for now.
Sheriff Wendy took a pack of half empty cigarettes out of her jeans and a lighter out of her shirt pocket, offering one to O'Neill. He shook his head, and Sheriff Wendy shrugged as if to say, "your loss." She lit up and breathed in that sweet, sweet nicotine. Even though she was in one of the worst possible scenarios at that moment, at least she had a stick on fire to puff on.

           Jonny Middleton felt like a fish out of water, but he managed to pull himself to his feet. His jaw hurt like hell, and his mouth was still dripping blood. He decided to head to the bathroom to try and clean up as best as he could. He refused to sit there and die. He wasn't going down without a fight.

           Theo & Teddy Bear were still in the bathroom, having barricaded the door shut, when they heard Jonny knocking. Jonny said, "open up, need fix my jaw." But, due to the extent of his injury, it came out as, "Ope uh, nee fih ma shaw."
           Luckily, both understood and opened the door to Jonny Middleton. Jonny was a good guy, always had been. "Jonny! Boy is it good to see you!" Teddy Bear said, grinning. Jonny ignored this and pushed past him to the sink. He yelped in agony as he dabbed at his wound with a wet paper towel.
         "We should get him some rubbing alcohol from the med area." Teddy Bear said. Theo nodded and both left to get the proper stuff to take care of Jonny's injury.

          It had been 3 hours since the entire ordeal had begun, and they were expected to survive an entire week? It could be easy, considering only a few dozen were dead so far out of the roughly 2,000 inmates inhabiting the prison. Everyone except Skinner & Rush and their followers seemed too scared to kill anyone. In reality, most people just wanted freedom, and getting killed by harming someone else just wasn't ideal.

          Theo & Teddy Bear returned rather quickly with a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some gauze and various other things. Theo held up a roll of bandage wrap and said, "after you clean the bleeding and disinfect your wounds, we'll wrap this around your head to keep your jaw closed."
          Jonny quickly thanked both of them, and began trying to heal his wounds. It was painful, and he was trying not to ingest any of the rubbing alcohol. His nerve endings where some teeth had been were screaming in protest. But, he kept on anyways.

           Rush was asleep on one of the beds in B-Block, alongside Nestor & Holt, his main men. Jimenez & Barr slept in another room with various members of Rush's crew. They needed to stay well rested if they wanted to stay alive. Plus, if anyone tried anything, they were prepared. They had booby trapped the nearby area with tripwires connected to cans that if they were tripped, the cans would hit the floor and alert everyone to the disturbance.
Unfortunately, poor unsuspecting Charlie tripped the wire, causing the cans to crash and alert everyone to his presence. He was alert, and scared, and bolted before anyone could see him. Holt was the first out, and he bolted out the entrance of B-Block and out into the hallway. When he saw it was just Charlie, he rolled his eyes and informed the others. They didn't view Charlie as any kind of threat. They should have known better.

           End of Act I

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