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It was 7 am on the third day when Maria began to stir from her unconscious state. She opened her eyes and peered directly into Skinner's. She was grinning. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Skinner said. Maria tried to move to attack, but her arms and legs were tied to the bed posts with sheets. "HELP!" Maria screamed, and Skinner stuffed her mouth with a T-shirt.
"Shut the fuck up." Skinner said calmly, slapping Maria across the face. Maria shrieked in pain. "Damn old lady. You're falling apart." Skinner said, grinning. She looked back at Karla & Arias, who were standing in the doorway. "You messed Karla up pretty good. You know the cost for messing with our crew right?" Skinner asked. Fear filled Maria's eyes, and Skinner enjoyed it. "Arias, hand me the cheese grater." Skinner said. Arias obliged. Skinner looked down at Maria and said, "Don't worry, this is gonna hurt a lot. Ask Deena Cain."

Rush, Nestor & Holt slept in B-Block on the male side of the prison, alongside Jimenez & Hour 1. The latter two had been fighting people off from B-Block throughout the night. People seemed to think they could do anything after that attack in the pit last night.
Holt knew he had scared some sense into Theo, Teddy Bear & Jonny Middleton. It made him happy that he could even instill that kind of fear into people. Eventually, everyone would be on Rush's side, and then there would be no one to oppose them and they could live to see freedom at the end of the week. That's what they all wanted really, was freedom. (At least the ones who didn't get off on killing, like Nestor.)
Holt had heard Nestor & Rush having sex last night. Something about all the murder made Nestor horny, and Rush had no problem giving him what he wanted. It only brainwashed him further and further. Nestor would do anything for Rush, and that was exactly how he liked it. Nestor was under his thumb, nothing more than a bug and a pawn in Rush's master plan.
Meanwhile, Teddy, Theo & Jonny were still in the library, having barricaded the door shut. Jonny was still struggling to breathe, and Teddy Bear for a moment considering putting the poor bastard out of his misery. However, Jonny was a fighter and was determined to see this through to the end. He was also determined to exact his revenge on Jimenez for breaking his jaw in the first place.
The three of them knew they would have to come up with a plan soon as to how they planned to exact this revenge. Teddy Bear, Theo & Jonny Middleton preferred to die than seeing Rush and his gang see freedom by the end of the week. There was still four days left of this "experiment" or whatever you would call it, and a lot could happen from now to then.

Mara killed two dozen people throughout the night. Mostly everyone else was smart enough to hide, or they outran her. Mara wanted to save some people for Charlie to kill. Mara would guarantee that no one was left breathing by the end of this week. Hopefully, the growing tensions would take out a lot of the numbers. If only she knew.

End of Act II

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