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The bomb went off, and the walls started shaking, the sound reverberating off the rusting walls and going into the ears of those not in the pit. Those closest to Charlie had absolutely no time to process the explosion, considering it killed them instantly. Charlie died the second the bomb detonated, blowing him into pieces, a smile plastered on his face and his eyes closed.
Everyone was screaming. People were getting pieces of shrapnel from the pipe stabbed into their throats, and people were burning and screaming in agony. It was like the pit had turned into nothing but pure hell.
Holt had managed to duck, behind a table, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to protect him from the blast. Not only was he horrifically burned from the explosion, but the fire extinguisher next to his head exploded, taking off half of his head with it.
Nestor felt betrayal. "Rush?" He had asked in a state of fear and confusion. Those were the last words he ever spoke, his life being cut short by a sharp metal shard cutting right through his carotid artery. He was dead within seconds. Rush was running now, pushing and shoving to try to get out of the pit. He couldn't die. He had to live and survive through this. Nestor & Holt were nothing but pawns in Rush's game.
Sheriff Wendy was another casualty that was nearly instantaneous. She had a lighter in her chest pocket, considering she had an addiction to cigarettes. "Nothing like a good old smoke", she used to say. The lighter exploded in her pocket, completely destroying her heart. She didn't feel a thing.
Ramos screamed and tried pushing her way through the crowd. The only thing she could smell was burning flesh. Teddy had ran, trying desperately to escape the pipe bomb. He was lucky. If he had stayed where he had been, he would have been dead within seconds.
Arias tripped and fell, which would prove to be the cause of her demise. She fell and screamed as a foot came down directly onto the base of her spine. She shrieked in agony and tried crawling forward, but someone stepped on her fingers and shattered the bones in them.
The final blow was given when Rush stepped directly onto her skull intentionally, which killed her quickly. Rush felt that he had done her a favor.
Three more of the extinguishers exploded simultaneously, wiping out Ramos, who was nearby. Just like most of the others in the pit, she didn't feel it. Snow White was horrifically burned, but she had managed to escape the pit, since she was right near the stairwell when the bomb exploded.
Abaddon shot at various people as they ran, and Snow White was one of them. He shot her right between the eyes, and just like that, the woman that had been Stella White ceased to exist.
Abaddon's gun suddenly jammed, and he was jumped and started to get beaten and kicked by angry prisoners. One of whom was none other than Rush. "Cocksucker." Rush had spat as he crushed Abaddon's windpipe with his kneecap.
The Cannibal had killed plenty of those trying to escape, but now he was at the railing of the pit. He grasped the metallic rail, not minding his singed flesh from the intense heat. He loved the smell of the roasted flesh.
The fifth and sixth fire extinguishers exploded within a few seconds of each other. The fragments killed dozens more in the pit, and now the pit was a raging inferno of bodies. The Cannibal was savoring it, so much that he didn't see the shard of shrapnel headed directly towards him. It hit him directly under the eye, lodging itself into his brain. He died within seconds and fell into the burning inferno that had been the pit.
Mara had been in close proximity when the last two fire extinguishers detonated, which caused her to short circuit. She collapsed to the ground and powered off. She made sure to hide in a nearby closet right before she did it though. She couldn't risk being destroyed in such a vulnerable state. She had jammed the door to make sure no one could come in.
Teddy Bear was hot on Rush's trail. He seemed too busy trying to escape the roaring flame to notice Teddy was following him, wielding a baseball bat. The fucker had to die. He didn't deserve to live after all of the lives he had ruined.
Teddy swung the bat into the back of Rush's skull. He groaned and collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Teddy grinned and took his knife out, before unzipping Rush's pants. Rush slowly came to, too dazed to do much of anything. "This is for Theo." Teddy Bear said, grinning as he dug the knife into Rush's balls. He screamed in anguish as Teddy sliced them clean off.
Before Rush could pass out from the pain, Teddy began sawing away at Rush's penis with his knife. Unimaginable pain shot through every ending in Rush's body, and all he could do was scream. "You raped Theo with a broom handle, and now you're going to fucking pay." Teddy screamed, tears of rage spilling down his face. Thick, heavy smoke had now begun to cascade down the hall. He had to go.
Rush was bleeding out, and Teddy was satisfied. He quickly ran away before the smoke could reach him. Rush's last moments were filled with anguish that no human could ever put into words. There wasn't a word in the English language to describe the intensity of the pain he was in. He tried breathing, but all that went into his lungs was smoke. Hot, thick smoke, cooking him from the inside. He was dead within half a minute.

Deidre screamed when she heard the explosion. "What the fuck is happening?" Deena had screamed. Miguel had swung the door open to "The Box" and ran down the hall. He had to see what was going on. He didn't get far when he saw Teddy running, a deranged but determined look on his face. "Run!" Teddy screamed. Miguel saw the black smoke lurking and obeyed without a second thought.

Skinner had screamed when the bomb went off, considering it was loud and she was trying to sleep. Roach jumped. She knew something like this would happen sooner or later. Roach knew they would be safe for now, considering they were on the exact opposite side of the prison.

Teddy, Theo, Miguel, Georgina, Sidney, Deena, Deidre & Roman ran down the hall. They were relocating to the female side of the prison, since the explosion had been on the male side. The air was hot. Maybe if they were quick, they could manage to shut the doors and save as much oxygen as they could, and risk being burned alive.
Georgina & Sidney were crying, with their arms wrapped around one another. They were exhausted from the hot air and the exhaustion of running all the way to the other side of the prison. Teddy held Theo, and he planned on waiting to tell Theo the good news until they weren't running for their lives.
Miguel was carrying Deena, who had passed out. Roman & Deidre were the ones to go through the doors leading to the women's side of the prison. When they were all in, they quickly shut the door and chained it shut. It was survival of the fittest, and they had to make sure they made it out on top.
The fire raged near the closet where Mara resided, yet she remained unharmed. In her vulnerable state, she had put an invisible force field around her unconscious form to protect herself. That was one perk that her creators had given her. She rested peacefully while the world outside that metal closet door burned. A total of 500 had died in the fire, along with the explosions. The number would only increase from here.

End of Act III

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