Hour 2 & Barr's burning bodies had garnered a lot of attention, much to Abaddon's glee. Violence was beginning to break out near the sight, and some were beginning to get burned. "Idiots." Abaddon said to himself as he heard the fighting. The gnashing of teeth, the punching of fists, the breaking of jaws. Thankfully for everyone contained within the prison, the sprinklers turned on pretty quickly, and the fire was gradually being put out, leaving the charred remains of Hour 2 & Barr.
Jimenez had been at the scene, and he immediately went back to B-Block to report to Rush what he had seen. Rush didn't care, and Nestor seemed turned on, no surprise there. Jimenez was upset, not that he would ever show it. Barr had been his "homie", if you will, and for him to die in such a way and for Rush to not even care got to him. Jimenez wondered if when he died, if Rush would give the same expression of indifference.Jonny Middleton was coughing and struggling to breathe. It was now 4pm, 16 hours since the start of this entire ordeal. Jonny was dying, and Theo & Teddy Bear were well aware of this. They had gotten Ibuprofen from the med area, along with a few weapons. A scalpel, a pair of scissors, and a syringe for defense.
"What the hell do we do?" Theo asked, freaking out. Jonny was groggy, as well as out of it. Suddenly, a loud banging sounded at the bathroom door, which made Theo & Teddy Bear jolt in shock. They had barricaded the door, but would that be enough to keep out Rush and his gang?
This also jolted Jonny out of his groggy state. A small but powerful look of rage and determination crossed his features, and he managed to stumble over to the door. He grabbed the pair of scissors that Theo & Teddy had gotten from the med area and armed them. He swung open the door and stabbed. Over and over and over again he stabbed. He was stabbing himself.
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and he opened his eyes. His temperature was at 104, and he was growing more and more delirious. His jaw was now infected. He looked weakly over at Theo & Teddy, and they were fast asleep. He was too weak to move. He groaned, which awoke Teddy Bear. "F-fever." Jonny managed to stutter. Teddy grabbed the bottle of Ibuprofen he had retrieved from the med area and popped a few of the pills into Jonny's mouth. He swallowed them gratefully. Teddy then decided to rewrap Jonny's head so that his jaw would be nice and snug.
Theo got a roll of toilet paper and wet a wad of it with cold water, before dabbing Jonny's forehead with it. "Shhh, you're gonna be okay Jonny, I promise." Theo said, determined. Jonny didn't have it in him for wishful thinking, so he closed his eyes and hoped the pills would kick in soon.It was 3pm when Holt proposed the idea to Rush. They had already taken all the food in the cafeteria, why not expand their hold? "Boss, say we take as many medical supplies as we can?" Holt proposed, and Rush's eyes widened, before he grinned and clapped Holt on the back. "Great idea, Holt.
O'Neill jolted from his relaxed position when he heard the loud bang near the library door. Sheriff Wendy jumped as well, and thankfully she had her gun on hand. "BACK OFF YOU FUCKER!" She screamed. Bad idea. Suddenly, the door began getting kicked in. Someone desperate to get in and take their lives.
Sheriff Wendy fired a warning shot. "Back off you motherfucker! Next one goes in your head!" She screamed, and O'Neill rushed over to try and shut her up. She pointed the gun at him, afraid he was going to attack her, but when she saw that he had no intentions of doing so, she dropped her guard.
The kicking stopped, and the two of them began to relax again. "Don't you have a key card to get us out of here?" O'Neill asked. Sheriff Wendy nodded and said, "The only issue is that the key cards have been deactivated and destroyed. The windows are unbreakable, and there is absolutely no way of getting out without outside intervention."
"We're all gonna be dead within a week. It's been 16 hours and hundreds are dead around this prison." O'Neill said. Sheriff Wendy shook her head and said, "not if I can do anything about it."
Sheriff Wendy outlined her plan. She wanted to go to the women's side of the prison and help them however she could, and then once she did that, she'd come back to the men's side. She knew it wouldn't be easy, considering the doors leading to both sides of the prison were broken. The keycard scanners were broken, and chains covered the doors handles. "Why the hell did they even take such precautions to separate us?" O'Neill asked.
"The possibility of rape is very likely if you mix the populations. In case you haven't noticed, there are some psychos in this prison who have no shame." Sheriff Wendy said. O'Neill did not appreciate her tone. "For now, we need to get out of this library. I can't do anything for you guys if we stay in here for a week." She said, before getting up out of her chair and standing on top of it. She was going to crawl through the vents.
Before she climbed through the vent, she grabbed a previously lit cigarette and lit it again with her pocket lighter, before taking a hit. She sighed in ecstasy, and O'Neill said, "those things'll kill you someday." Sheriff Wendy laughed and put out the cigarette on her arm before heading into the vents.
Prison Pandemonium
ActionIn the year 2030, prisons all around the world have become severely overpopulated because of increased crime rates. The government comes up with a proposition. A dozen massively overcrowded prisons handpicked by the President himself, will be allowe...