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After crying for roughly 5 minutes, Theo managed to get back up to his feet and head over to the janitors closet, where the crawl space door was located. He grinned with pleasure when he saw that the door wasn't covered with shelves or cabinets. He quickly rushed inside and quietly shut the door, before quickly stepping down into the crawl space tunnel.
He shut the door and breathed in a sigh of relief. He would be safe down here. He had to be. He was sick of running. He was breathing rapidly, his heart pounding inside of his chest. He heard shuffling nearby, and his heart dropped into his stomach. Theo began to cry and said, "please no."
His worst fears came true when he saw Mara peer around the corner at him. The only words she said was, "Shhhhhhhh." Theo screamed and quickly scurried over to the exit. Mara shot a bullet and it hit the ladder. Theo managed to skip the broken ladder step and crawl out of the crawl space. Mara was right behind him. He slammed the door shut directly onto her head, before rapidly moving a cabinet in front of the door.
Before Theo could relax though, Mara quickly seemed to burn through the cabinet and the wooden door. Molten metal seeped onto Mara, and she let out what resembled a robotic shriek. She wasn't sure why she had done that, considering she doesn't feel pain, but she was feeling herself become human almost. She was beginning to enjoy the killing. Hell, she CRAVED it.
At first she had derived no enjoyment, but now it was beginning to feel like a game, a game which she must finish. Of course, the molten metal from the cabinet had been damaging to her exterior, but that wouldn't stop Mara.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY!" Theo shrieked at the top of his lungs. Mara grinned an unsettlingly human like grin, before she lunged at him. Theo dodged and she smacked into the floor. To his horror, half of Mara's face had melted away, only revealing wires and pieces of intricate code, and with what appeared to be a metallic skull.
"It won't hurt! Bullets through the brain kill you so quickly you won't feel a thing!" Mara exclaimed, her voice becoming distorted from her vocal cords becoming fried. Theo looked up ahead and saw a puddle of water. This wasn't any normal puddle of water, in fact it was electrified. A destroyed cord of wire was dangling in the puddle, making that small amount of water seem like a treacherous abyss. Theo had a plan. He would continue to run and would move at the very last second, where he hoped that Mara would step directly into the electrified puddle, maybe even killing her.
As Theo approached the puddle, Mara continued yelling and kept firing gunshots. One grazed his hip, and he screamed in agony at the flaming hot bullet, along with the wound. He would have the wound for the rest of his life. Mara continued firing, even though her aim was becoming more and more questionable. The molten metal had begun merging with her real body, making her a grotesque joke for a robot.
Theo grew nervous as he was only a few feet away from the puddle, but he quickly changed paths at the last second, and Mara fired yet another bullet. She paid no attention to the shock puddle that laid in front of her, and only kept her focus on Theo. She stepped directly into the puddle, which sent electricity all through Mara's body.
Theo looked over his shoulder at Mara, who had now begun to smoke. The electricity was frying her wiring, and Mara now seemed absolutely helpless. She had dropped the pistol, and now Theo felt like he was safe. Mara seemed to fall to the ground outside of the puddle, and she wasn't moving. "Good." Theo thought. "She's finally dead." Boy, was he wrong.

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