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Everytime Augusta said that she was scared, Georgina wanted to slap her straight across the face. Georgina was scared too, but for different reasons. She was afraid of dying. "C'mon Augusta, let's try and look for an escape." Georgina said. Augusta liked this idea. "If we find one, I won't have to hear you bitch about your claustrophobia." Georgina snapped, and Augusta flipped her the bird in return. Then, the ladies were off on their search.

Deena was in the ladies bathroom, hiding in a stall and smoking her hidden stash of cigarettes. And damn did she need one. She hadn't come up with any kind of idea to kill Hartman, and when she heard the footsteps come into the bathroom, she didn't need one.
Deena quickly threw her cigarette in the toilet, causing it to make a slight "pshhh" sound as it was extinguished. "Hello?" Hartman asked aloud, and Deena cringed. That grating, fucking voice. All because of a shower? What the fuck was so special about that Skinner bitch?
Deena looked around. There had to be something she could defend herself with. She looked down and quickly grabbed the toilet lid. This should do, Deena thought to herself. She swung the bathroom stall door open, and stared Hartman directly in the face. Hartman smirked. "Oh, just you." She said. Before Deena even registered what Hartman had said, she slammed the toilet lid across Hartman's face. She let out a cry of surprise and fell to the bathroom floor. Shards of broken glass cut Deena's hands, but she didn't care.
She grabbed one of the broken pieces and began dragging it down Hartman's face. She screamed like a little bitch, and it made Deena ravenous for blood. Deena then dragged Hartman's face across the glass shards, causing her screams to get louder.
When Deena got a look at her face, she was shocked at how little damage she had done. Just a few minor cuts. She had to do something drastic. That's when she smashed the mirror, and carved Hartman's face clean off. She screamed and cried, and it liberated Deena. "HOW DOES IT FEEL YOU FUCKING BITCH?" Deena screamed.
Hartman died a few minutes later, and Deena decided she didn't want to live anymore either. There was little to no chance she would survive anyways, so what was the point? Her thought process was interrupted when Jimmie Ramos came into the bathroom, and screamed at the sight.
"Shut the fuck up!" Deena snapped. Jimmie jumped back. "Look, I'm not gonna snitch, I just.. I don't know what to do." She said. Deena rolled her eyes. "Just kill yourself. That's what I'm about to do." Deena said. Jimmie glanced at the bloody glass shards covering the floor.
Jimmie looked down at Hartman's body and smirked. "Good on you for killing that cunt. She killed my best friend." Jimmie said, tears building in her eyes. "She died in that riot in the pit an hour ago." Jimmie sobbed. Then, something in Deena's head clicked. Skinner was the head of the snake. Skinner was the reason Deena's face had been half skinned. Skinner was the reason for most of the troubles going on. As awful as Hartman had been, she was only the messenger to the scarecrow.
"You know what? I say we kill Skinner and her minions." Deena said. "I don't wanna die until I see that bitch die." She continued. Jimmie grinned, and her eyes lit up. "Me too. I want her to suffer." She said.

It was a good thing Ramos had stumbled across Deena, because her friend Lupe Maynard was in the medical area of the prison, dead on the floor from an overdose. She was one of the "methies" that Deidre had coined, and it seemed that the name was unfortunately and fatally fitting.

                 Deidre was still crouched under the desk, and she didn't plan on leaving anytime soon. She'd rummaged through the drawers of the desk and had found quite a few useful things. A pen, a paper clip, mini bags of M&Ms, and random papers. Deidre made a makeshift bag out of an old Taco Bell sack, which one of the officers had presumably scarfed down and was lazy enough to leave it behind.
Deidre cherished her friendships she had made during her time at Brooklyn Falls Penitentiary. They were the only people she could cling to. Augusta, Georgina & Cherie were her only true friends in this hell hole that had such a sweet name. "Brooklyn Falls." It sounded like a resort, or an elderly home where the residents constantly shit their pants, not a prison where everyone was killing each other for the possibility of escaping it.
It appalled her just how dystopian the world had turned over the last few decades. AI had taken jobs that parents clung to to feed their children, the already greedy government full of corruption had taken everything from the tax payers, to give more and more to the wealthy who were already well off.
Because of this, crime rates increased. You'd be surprised at how many peaceful protestors were given life in prison. It was none other than the government's fault that the prison population became so overcrowded. And now their only solution was to let all chaos break loose and let them pick each other off?
Part of Deidre wanted to survive, just to get a taste of freedom outside of this hellhole. But a part of her wondered if she would ever truly find freedom, under a government with such a tyrannical reign. She was under their fist, and she didn't want to be anymore.

                 Robertson returned to Skinner with three more girls. Eunice Bowman, a vulnerable old lady who had never really followed Skinner's posse before, was promised protection by Robertson, and she was all in. She was a fragile old lady, and she knew she wouldn't make it in here with everyone else. Bottom of the food chain if you will.
                  The second girl Robertson had brought to Skinner was Debbie Arias, a religious follower of Skinner since she had beaten Ortiz in a fight. Skinner always got Arias drugs from the outside, and for that Arias was another one of her minions, next to Robertson.
                 Nell Hammond was new to Brooklyn Falls. She was arrested for handcuffing herself to public property and refusing to move in the name of human rights. The government didn't like this of course and sent her on her way to prison.
"Glad you're back, Arias." Skinner said, clapping Debbie on the back. She grinned. "And who are these two?" Skinner asked, pointing at Eunice & Nell. "These two want our protection. Their names are Bowman & Hammond." Robertson said. Hammond gave a shy wave and Bowman just looked down at the floor. "We've got you ladies covered if protection is what you need." Skinner said. "But if you betray us, you're dead meat, got it?" She continued. Bowman & Hammond nodded.
"Good." Skinner said, smiling. "Now then, let's go find more members of our little posse."

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