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Georgina groaned as she helped Sidney up. Her body screamed in protest, after having been crouched under the table for so long. "Day 3, here we come." Sidney groaned. Georgina tried not to focus on the feeling of bodies underneath her feet. The pit was now one massive grave. Dead littered everywhere. One girl had her skull caved in, another had half her face missing. Sidney felt like she was going to be sick. One thing was for sure. Georgina & Sidney were gonna fight until the very end. Georgina had saved Sidney's life after they had been shoved over the railing. They could have easily been trampled, but Georgina didn't give up. Sidney admired her perseverance.
"We're gonna go to the box, okay?" Georgina said. "Hopefully no one else will be in there." She continued. Sidney nodded. As safe as it had seemed, she no longer had any interest in being in that cramped, dark crawl space. Plus, she kept hearing noises down there, like a mad man hard at work.
Sidney nearly screamed when she saw Mara. Mara looked up at her and pointed her pistol near Georgina's head. She fired, and Sidney pushed her out of the way. The bullet hit the wall, sending up a cloud of dust. "Run!" Sidney screamed. Georgina & Sidney bolted down the hallway as Mara continued to fire the pistol. Sidney felt one pass right by her ear. She could feel the heat radiating off of it.
There was an unspoken agreement to head straight for the box. The only problem was, they didn't wanna lead Mara straight to where that was. They had to lose her somehow. Georgina got up to pick up a pipe, and threw it at Mara. It hit her in the chest, and for a moment, she appeared to short circuit. Her trigger finger began shaking, and she starting firing bullets everywhere. One nearby man had been lurking up on Georgina & Sidney, and a bullet caught him in the eye. Both girls ran, down towards the box.
The bullets continued whizzing past them, hitting nearby objects, but after a minute they had outrun Mara. That short circuit had just saved their lives. They weren't far from the box now. They tried opening the door, only to find it locked. Georgina looked through the window near the top and saw Deidre. Deidre saw her too, and her eyes widened. She quickly darted to the door and swung it open for Georgina & Sidney.
Georgina & Deidre hugged after Sidney quickly shut the door and locked it. Georgina looked at the people surrounding her. There were a total of 9 of them in The Box. "Sheriff Wendy?" Georgina asked, surprised. "She's on our side." Deidre whispered in Georgina's ear.
Georgina saw a woman with half of her face skinned off, and she shuddered. Everyone gave a quick introduction. "We've all decided to band together. There's no point in surviving this alone or in small groups." Deidre said. "And hopefully, we'll find more people we can trust." Ramos said. "My main goal right now is to make that bitch Skinner pay for this." Deena said, pointing at her face.
"We have to be careful about how we go about it Deena." Miguel said. Deena rolled her eyes. "Was Hartman careful when Skinner told her to skin my fucking face?" Deena snapped. Miguel didn't respond to this.
"Where's Augusta?" Deidre asked. Georgina looked down at the floor. "She's dead. That crazy bitch that's been killing everyone shot her." Georgina said. A look of shock crossed everyone's faces. "How the hell is she still alive?" Deena asked. "Snow threw a dose of cocaine that could kill any human being."
"I don't think she's human." Sidney said. "She chased me and Georgina down the hall, and I threw something at her. It struck her in the chest and she appeared to short circuit." She continued. Deena barked out a laugh and said, "So what? She's some robo bitch dead set on killing humanity?"
"Pretty much." Miguel said. "Wait a minute. This is insane. Why the hell would there be a robot in this prison?" Ramos asked. Sidney shrugged. "Why the hell would the government let murderous prisoners kill each other for a week straight with a promise of freedom?" Sidney asked. No one had answer for that one.

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