dinner date

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"Hey Andy, I know I've been doing some dumb shit lately so I decided to take you to a restaurant." Peter explained.
"That sounds nice." Andy smiled.
"Yep, let's go get ready." Peter chuckled.

"Wow Peter, this place is very nice." Andy smiled.
"Yeah, let's go find somewhere to sit."

They ordered and talked.
"It's nice that you're not acting like a dumbass for once." Andy laughed.
"I have a surprise for you after this." Peter smiled.
"What is it?" Andy asked.
"You'll see." Peter chuckled.

"So how are you liking the food?" Peter asked.
"It's really good, thanks for bringing me here." Andy smiled.
"I'm just glad you aren't angry." Peter paused, "Yet."
"What do you mean yet." Andy asked.

Peter payed... dont ask where he got the money from.
"So what is the surprise?" Andy asked.
"I'll show once we get in the car." Peter explained.

They got in their car and Peter pulled out a button.
Peter pressed the button and... the restaurant blew up.
"PETER!" Andy yelled.
"Surprise! I'm still your dumbass!" Peter smiled.
"Welp, can't sleep on the couch if we ain't home... let's get the fuck out of here."

Peter got a blanket and a pillow and got ready to sleep on the couch, knowing that Andy would just end up sleeping on the couch with him.

"Peter..." "Come here hun."

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