the return of Tony and Charles.

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Andy was folding laundry when Oeter burst into the room.
"THEY'RE BACK!" Peter yelled.
"Who is?" Andy asked.
Andy got up and they ran outside.

"Hey! Welcome back." Andy smiled.
"Yeah, we decided to pay a visit since it's been a while since the last time we were here." Charles explained.
"I still wanna beat up Margaret." Tony huffed.
"What did Margaret do?" Peter asked.
"She insulted Charles." Andy said, holding in laughter.
"She made fun of the gap between my front teeth, it wasn't a big deal-" "IT WAS HORRIBLE! NO ONE MAKES FUN OF CHARLES-"
Charles covered Tony's mouth.
"Anyways, anything happen while we were gone?" Charles asked.
"Ummmmm-" "HOSÉ CAN'T FUCKING DIE!" Pandy cut off Andy.
"Wait, we killed Hosé yesterday." Peter looked at Pandy.
"You don't know? Hosé can respawn... why do we kill him?" Pandy was now confused.
"Uhhhhh, good point... should we stop?" "Maybe... I'm going to go think about this."
Pandy walked off.
"Should we raise Hosé's rent?" Andy asked.
"No, remember last we did that?" "Nope." "He called the FBI on us." "Oh yeah."
"Hey, should we get Space and Will in here?" Tony asked.
"Who?" "You know, from WITT?" "What does that stand for?" "What Is That Thing. It's a story from a long time ago, Jackie wrote it on Docs." "Is it good?" "At first... no, hell no." "What's it about?" "Oh you know, two adults, married, one's a part of the mafia, the other is a business woman and is pregnant, they sell the soul of their unborn baby for safty. Space takes Will once he turned 18. Will and Space ended up having a family and yeah." "Oh... that's kinda cool."
As Andy and Charles talked.
Peter and Tony ran around.

"So, why did you marry Peter?" "He's actually a good guy, and sides, he has great energy, also he's a great help. What about you?" "You ever heard of love at first sight?" "Yep." "I fell in love with Tony the first time I met him, I'm planning on proposing in a few days." "That's sweet."

"You had an easy bake oven?" "Yeah, it's embarrassing but I'm used to people knowing it since my sister is evil." "Damn. What did you do with afterwards?" "I beat the shit out of it." "Damn, was anything you baked good?" "Hell yeah it was." "Damn, I'm gonna buy one for Pandy." "Why." "Just like you, me, and Andy... and many people on the farm. Pandy is gay." "He's only nine." "Sure, he's nine but I can already tell that he's queer." "Damn, you sound like my dad." "You sound like my bartender."

Pandy was looking in the fridge for alcohol... when Peter and Tony burst.
"PANDY! We got you an easy bake oven! Now get out of here, me and Tony are going to piss off your mother by making chili." Peter shoved the easy bake oven in Pandy's arms.
"Why does mama get mad when you make chili?" Pandy asked.
"Because at first, he actually enjoyed me helping around but now he doesn't like because we don't have anymore room for more chili." "Why don't you just warm up the left over chili then tell mom you made more chili so he will get mad and you would free up more space." "That's a good idea, now go be the little gay boy I raised." "You're still raising me-" "Go."
Pandy quickly ran out if there with the easy bake oven.

To be continued

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