female Peter

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*the whole game except Peter is female and Andy is practically drooling over female Peter or something*

(The part where Andy meets Peter)

Andy turned on the light, looking around.
"Wa-wait. Who are you?" Andy asked.
"I'm Penny the Pumpkin! Nice to meet ya." Penny smiled.
Andy looked up to the taller woman, she was the tallest person he had ever seen.
"How long have you been here?" Andy asked.
"That doesn't matter. Wanna play a game of tag?" Penny's smiled turned into a grin.
"No, not really, I just need my keys-"
Penny held up his keys.
"You sure?" Penny asked, gently shaking his keys.
"Do I have a choice?" "Nope! Let's go to the haystack maze!"

"You're it! Catch me if you can."

Andy chased after Penny and at some point, he was getting to tired to run so he leaped at her... she turned arojnd at that moment.
They fell to the ground and Andy's face landed.... right in Penny's... chest.
"Uhhh, you good?" Penny asked.
"I don't wanna get up." Andy said, muffled.
"Tired?" "Yeah." "Can you breath in there?" "Kinda." "Do you wanna move?"
Penny laughed.
"Let me guess, you want me crush your head with my thighs to?"
Penny sat up, making Andy sit up to.
"Welp, you caught me-" Penny looked down at Andy who yet again, buried his face in Penny's chest.
Penny could tell Andy was getting sleepy.
Pemny sighed and stood up.
Knocking over Andy.
"C'mon you simp."
Andy scrambled to his feet and followed Penny to the beginning of the maze.

"I'm it, run away if you can!"

Andy ran through the maze, grabbing pumpkins as he ran.
He looked over his shoulder, he saw Penny close behind.
Andy ran faster, somewhat afraid of the tall woman.
He soon felt arms wrap around his torso.
"Caught you."
Andy felt his face heat up, he knew why.
"Welp, that was fun, here's your keys you simp."
Penny let go of Andy and handed Andy his keys.
Andy hesitantly took them.
"Let me show you the way out." Penny wrapped an arm around Andy.
"Right, let's go." Andy smiled.
"Did I scare you?" Penny asked as they started walking.
"Yeah." Andy said, embarrassed.
"That means I did my job right." Penny laughed.
"Fuck you too then." Andy sighed.
"Heh, not the first time I've heard that." "I can tell." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "Sorry."

"Goodbye simp." "Bye."

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