I got motivation >:)

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After they ate, they all went to bed.
For once, Peter didn't want to sleep with Andy... Andy was hurt by that.


Once Peter fell asleep, Andy got under the blanket and started cuddling with Peter... Andy was laying on top of Peter but Peter didn't notice since he was asleep... obviously.
Andy's head was right next to Peter's.

Andy was laying on his stomach, on top of Peter, his head hanging rest next to Peter's... just trying to get the image in your head.









Andy shot up.
"What! What happened!?" Andy looked around.
"Get off!" Peter looked mad.
Andy rolled his eyes and got off of Peter.
He strenched a big stretch as Peter sat up.
"Why were you laying on me?" Peter asked, still mad.
"Why didn't you want me to sleep with you?" Andy glared at Peter.
"You kept throwing shoes at me." Peyer growled.
Andy rolled his eyes and stretched one more time before walking to the bathroom.
Peter sighed and he also went to the bathroom.
Peter kissed Andy's cheek thrm grabbed hos toothbrush. (It should be called teethbrush since you brush your teeth, not your tooth 😎)

They brushed their teeth and got dressed.

Andy made breakfast as Adam and Dixie woke up.

Peter was bored and he wanted to do something with Andy that wasn't sex.
"Andy! Come here! I want attention!" Peter huffed.
Andy ignored Peter since he needed to cook breakfast.
"Andy! Come here!"
Andy kept cooking.
Peter got up and walked towards Andy.
Peter turned off the stove and put the pan off the hot burner, then he picked up Andy and carried him to the couch.
Peter dropped Andy on the couch... then started tickling him.
Andy laughed uncontrollable, trying to stop Peter.
"P-Peter! I- can't breath!" Andy yelled through his laughter.
Andy could not breath and he was getting sweaty, he needed air.
Andy was able to punch Peter.
Peter stopped tickling Andy as Andy fell off the couch.
Andy was breathing heavily... then he ran to the downstairs bathroom and puked.
Peter felt very guilty.
"Andy...? I'm sorry, I'll make you some chili if you'd like?"
Andy was washing his mouth with water, getting the taste out of his mouth.
"Sounds good..."



Peter handed Andy the bowl of chili with cheese.
Andy srarted eating the chili and he really liked it.
"You are really good at making cuili Peter." Andy smiled.
"Thank you... It's all I know how to make..." Peter admitted.
Andy continued to eat the chili.
Peter ate some when Andy wasn't looking.




Andy was stuffed, he was too full to get up.
Peter wrapped Andy like a burrito with a tortilla blanket.
Andy was comfy.
Peter cuddled his burrito boyfriend with nothing but love and affection.
"I love you Peter." "I love you too Andy."






Who's Robert?"

Peter choked on the air.

Once Peter got himself together, he explained.
"Robert is an old ex of mine, he keft me because I was 'too demonic'... like bruh! I'm fucking demon! What did he expect!?"
Andy started laughing.
"Anyways, why'd you ask?" "Well, he called you last nught whole you were asleep... he said he wanted to get back together-" "No, I ain't going back to him when I got my burrito."
Peter squeezed Andy.
Andy giggled and rested his head on Peter's shoulder.
"Peter, I gotta pee, will you wrap me back up when I come back?" Andy asked.
"Of course my lovely apple burrito." "Thanks hun."


Peter wrapped Andy in the burrito blanket again and they went back to cuddling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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